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Part One
Abhi Pov:                                                                                                                                   What a beautiful night isn't it eh I  know a storm is raging outside and everyone says that storm creates lot of damage in their life but for me I  meet the most beautiful person in my life that day and today again this stormy night has presented me the most wonderful gift in my life. You guys will be wondering whom am I talking about it none other than my lovely Chashmish. She came into my life like a whirlwind and turned it upside down in a good way because she transformed me to a better man I  am today when you guys listen to my love story you will understand why am I  talking like this.
Flashback                                                                                                                      Why can’t the storm occur on some other day instead of today? After a lot of convincing Dadi has finally accepted to see my girlfriend and now I can’t even properly see what lies ahead because of this rain, how will I reach Tanu's house in this weather now? What should I do go back home or continue ahead? I will do one thing will ask Purab what to do. I was trying to reach for my phone when out of nowhere a girl appears in front of my car; even though I spun around my car to avoid hitting her I was a second too late. To my horror I saw her flying in the air before my very eyes. It took me a few movements to even realize what has happened in my shocked state. When I finally got back my senses I rushed out of the car to see her lying there with blood coming from head.
Miss, are you alright patting her cheeks when she didn’t respond to him. He picked her up and rushed to the nearby hospital. Abhi was getting restless waiting outside the operation theater. It’s been two hours there is still no new about how she? Is she very serious? Oh please don’t let anything happen to her because of me. Feeling something pricking his hand looks down and sees that he was still clutching her specs and rest of her belongings that nurse gave him. He looks at the bracelet and sees the name Pragya engraved on it. So her name is Pragya nice name. Just then doctor comes out of the OT. Abhi rushes up to him. Doctor how is she? The operation was successful she is kept under observation now we can’t be sure of anything till then. Come with me I have to discuss something with you. Her head injury was severe and there are high chances for her to loss her memory, we can just hope that our doubts don’t come true when she regains her conscious, but if any chance she losses her memory keep her away from stress at any cost she is not fit enough to handle stress her health condition may worsen if something like that happens. Doctor if she doesn’t remember anything now how long will it take her to regain her memory? We can’t be sure about that may be within a few months or she may not ever get her memory back. So take good care of her okay. He nods his head automatically while he is screaming on the inside, no this can’t happen to me I  don’t even know who she is if she losses her memory then how will I  even contact her family (pulls her hair in frustration)
Abhi was sitting beside her bed waiting for her to open her eyes. See this girl is sleeping so peacefully whereas I  am getting nervous thinking about her but she is indeed beautiful with a button like nose & her lush lips what will be the color of her eyes, ah what you are doing Abhi she just had an accident and her you are checking her out not done Abhi. His attention snaps back to her on seeing her slowly trying to open her eyes.
She squint her eyes trying to see her surrounding clearly. That’s when she notices a guy sitting near her looking at her worriedly. Who is he and where am I? And why is my head hurting so much? Why does she squint, her eyes like this as if she couldn’t see anything clearly? Oh, of course she is looking for her glasses. Here you go Chashmish places the specks on her face and help her to sit up, how are you feeling right now?  Chashmish why are you calling me by this name, my name is... What is my name holding her head, why can’t I remember my name? What happened to me? Hey Pragya relax, I will tell you everything but first you calm down okay gives a small squeeze to her shoulder. Looking into his chocolate brown eyes somehow calmed her a bit. Your name is Pragya and you had an accident yesterday due to severe head injury you lost your memory but don’t worry doctor told me that your memory will come back within few months just don’t stress yourself okay? Though she was upset after hearing this she nods her in agreement, are you related to me? How am I going tell her who I am? I know she has lot of questions but how can I answer her questions when I don’t know the answer to it myself? Okay I will do one thing I will introduce myself now and will dodge rest of her questions until i have proper answer to It.; I am Abhi Mehra and I ... Just then the doctor enters the cabin. He internally thanks the doctor for saving him. After checking her reports, all your reports are normal you will be fine soon all you need adequate rest to recover soon. Abhi you didn’t answer my questions. Shh, didn’t you hear what the doctor said you need to rest now you can ask your questions later. But I… go to sleep Chashmish. Don’t call me that name. He just smiles at her. 
Abhi brings Pragya to his house, holding her elbow just to make sure she doesn’t fall. He guides her into his house. Hi Dadi (side hugs her) Twist his ears; ah Dadi let go it is paining. You have been away from home for two days neither have you called us nor have you sent any message do you have any idea how worried we were Abhi. Sorry Dadi woh my phone battery was dead that’s why. Is this even an excuse Abhi, how can you be so irresponsible. Sorry Dadi, please do forgive me. Okay fine i will forgive you one last time because you have brought my would-be daughter-in-law to meet me and i have to say one thing Abhi she is very beautiful. What is Dadi saying before he could correct her misunderstanding? You are my fiancée? (Surprised) somehow he couldn’t say the single word NO looking into her eyes and more over he is afraid that something may happen to her health. Woh we are not yet engaged actually. Abhi why is she asking such a question? Dadi she had an accident 2 days back and she doesn’t remember anything now. Idiot why didn’t you tell me this earlier, dear come on sit down, how are you feeling now. I am fine Dadi. What is your name? Pragya, nice name; I am Abhi’s Dadi also she introduces everyone in the house to her.
He just moves away from there in order to avoid looking at her questioning eyes. Hey Purab I have mailed you a picture of a girl, her name is Pragya and I have met her near the Saraswathi Nagar and I need you to find out all the details about her as soon as possible and remember one thing nobody should know about this not even Aliya understand. Okay Abhi I will do as you say but how do you know her and who is she? I will tell you everything later but you do this job for me. Okay Abhi bye. Bye Purab. Bhai what is all this? I thought you loved Tanu and who is she? I have never seen her with you before. Aliya I will answer all your questions later okay, first of all I need to freshen up okay.

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