I Meet Jacks Dark Half...Anti

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It's been a few days since I ran into Jacksepticeye or Sean. I tested him asking if he wanted to hang. He agreed and I headed to his place.

I knocked and he answered with a smile. " Hi (Y/n). Sorry I haven't messaged or anything I've been uhh....really busy."

He lets me inside and it's a mess. Not like stuff is strode everywhere more like it's torn apart or he let a lion loose in here.

As he tries to clean up he apologized and told me to make myself comfortable.

He walks back and sits next to me. "Wanna play a game?" "Sure." He lets me sit at his computer and pulls up Five Nights at Freddy's.

I've loved this game since I watched him play it and I tried it for myself. He lets me try the first round and get as far as night 3 and I let him play.

After a while, I looked over and realized it was dark. I told him and he suddenly panicked. "You have to leave...NOW!!!"

Scared, I got up and got my stuff as I headed for the door.

He said goodbye and closed the door. I thought that was rude and started towards my car.

When I got home, I made myself dinner and sat by the t.v. and watched repeats of gravity falls. I couldn't get it out of my head about how rude Sean was.

Suddenly my power went out. I get scared when it suddenly gets dark so I panicked.

I searched for a flashlight and as I turned towards my room I saw a green and a blue pair of glowing eyes.

I wanted to scream but this thing had lightning speed and he covered my mouth and said, "No no. Can't have that now can we beautiful."

I was taken aback by his voice it was familiar but I couldn't place it. I only hoped and prayed he wouldn't hurt or kill me.

As if he read my mind he said, "Oh don't worry I won't hurt you. Soon you'll find out who I am. Goodnight beautiful. Sweet dreams."

I instantly passed out while hoping this was a dream.


So this is the next chapter I tried to make it longer. I need to edit more.

AntisepticeyexReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz