Scary Story

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The night was darker than most, and dark gray clouds covered the sky like a blanket. The moon was in the shape of the Cheshire cat's smile. The stars were few and far between. The chilly wind crept around the sleeping town. In the third house on the left down the dimly lit street, the lights were dim in one room. In that room sat a teenage girl. She was sitting on the sofa with a large bowl of popcorn, a sofa, and a fort of blankets and pillows surrounding her. She was watching a scary movie on Netflix. Her parents were out for the weekend and trusted her with the house to herself. A dark figure walked down the street. It wore a brown bag with holes cut out for eyes and a stitched on creepy smile on its head, and a trench coat. The figure had a huge glove that it carried with a strange scent to it. The figure slowly walked down the street singing children's songs that are normally joyful, but the deep voice of the figure, who could be deduced as a man, made the songs seem frightening. The girl heard the soft, deep voice and turned the TV down as she was curious. She heard the singing and the footsteps coming closer and closer from outside. The man crawled through an open window in the third house on the right side of the street. He took his glove and laughed uncontrollably as he let loose all of the fear toxin in his glove. The family in the house started screaming and pleading for it to stop while the madman cackled like the old man he is. The girl watched in utter horror and fright as she looked out her window and witnessed what had just happened. Then, the man took off his mask, turned around, and looked her in the eyes with the grin of a psychopathic maniac. He started his slow walk towards her while singing the same songs, never losing eye contact. Her feet were glued to the floor, and screaming came from the TV. The screaming made her jump and head to the stairs. The man opened the door and followed her. The girl had complete and utter terror and adrenaline running through her veins. The man cackled again, still following her, and said, "Curiosity killed the cat." He laughed even harder, and it was a wonder he could even walk. He started to let loose his spray when the girl snuck up behind him with a frying pan, and knocked him out cold. She smirked and said, "Curiosity might have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back." She put the frying pan back where she got it, and called the police. No one was going to ruin her Halloween Movie Marathon.

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