Chapter 5

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"I can't stop thinking about the date. It was just a normal date too; we went to the movies and went for coffee afterwards. That should just be a normal first date, but this one felt like something more. I can't stop thinking about how Benedict had his arm around me, held my hand and open doors for me like a gentleman. Usually, it feels like people hold me like a egg; I could shatter at any instant. Benedict didn't seem to do that. He held me like a normal person, but still held my hand like he was carrying something very precious."

I have been writing in a journal,"  as part of this new cancer therapy so that things don't get bottled up in my heart and don't result in a meltdown. As I scribble on the page, I hear a knocking on the door. It must be John again. He comes to visit me about once a day to talk to me and hang out. It feels good to have someone else to talk to besides Harper. "Come in!" I yell to him as I continue to write. 

"Hello, Miss Adrian," Benedict says from the doorway. 

"OHMYGODWHATAREYOUDOINGHEREAHH!" I have a small panic attack upon hearing his voice. He CANNOT see what I am writing. 

He begins to laugh, hard, and walks over to my bed. "Come now, Miss Adrian. It's just me. What are you writing?"

"Well, Benedict, if you read it, then I would have to kill you. And I don't think I could bring myself to do that." I say cheekily as I discreetly slide the notebook out of sight.

"Of that I am very glad. Now, Miss Adrian, the real reason I am here is to ask you to accompany me to the beach for a suprise."

I stare at him to see if he is making fun of me. He seems to be dead serious. "I would love to, Benedict. Give me 10 minutes to get ready."


After spending eight of the ten minutes trying to decide what to wear, I finally decide to go with my white shirt and mustard maxi skirt. I have fallen in love with maxi skirts because they hid the frailness of my body. Benedict offers me his arm and we head down to the beach. It is an unsually sunny day for Maine.

"Hey, Benedict?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Thanks. I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"You don't even know what we are going to do!"

"It doesn't matter. After being stuck in that hospital for so long, it feels good to get out and move around for a while."

At this, Benedict brings me closer to him and kisses the top of my head. I am instantly filled with a rush of happiness. All I want is to stay in this moment forever.

We get to the beach and we remove our shoes to let our feet sink into the white softness of the sandy beach. Benedict leads me about halfway down the beach before he tells me to close my eyes. A bit unsure, I do as he says. Suddenly, he picks me up and begins to carry me bridal style.

"Benedict! What the hell are you doing?"

"Carrying you, darling. Isn't that obvious? You must be tired from all this walking."

I laugh at this, but stay in his arms. I keep my eyes closed the whole time he carries me. I love the feeling of his muscles under his pressed button down. When he finally sets me down on a rock, my eyes flash open. Before me lies a full picnic, with finger sandwiches, grapes, cheeses, and wine. My mouth drops open and Benedict swoops over.

"Do you like it? Is it good? I didn't know what you were all..."

I silence him with a impromptu kiss on the lips. I am just suprised as he is but the kiss turns into a deep and passionate one. I think we both can feel the sparks flying. We break apart and stare at each other, breathing a bit heavily. Someone clears their throat behind us. I whip around to see a girl staring at us. She is wearing a purple swimsuit and looks about 16 years old. Her full attention is focused onto Benedict. 

"What can I do for you, ma'am?" Benedict says genially. 

The girl looks pleased out of her mind. "Oh my God, it is you! Benedict Cumberbatch! Can I get your autograph and a picture?" 

Benedict smiles at her. "Of course! What is your name?"

"Dani. Here is some paper." Dani pulls a notebook out of her swim tote and giddily hands it to Benedict. Suddenly, she seems to notice me for the first time. "Who are you?"

"This is Campbell Adrian. I brought her here on a date," Benedict says to her as he signs the paper. He looks at me and gives me a tiny smile. 

"Why would you do that? Was this her Make-A-Wish?" Dani asks as she continues to stare at my bald head. I just keep my head down and stare at the picnic blanket. 

"Why would I do this? You mean, why would I take a beautiful woman out on a date for a picnic on the beach? No it isn't her Make-A-Wish. I am taking her out because she is my girlfriend and I want to be around her. Am I not allowed to do that if she has cancer? What are you implying, Dani?" 

Dani and I both stare at Benedict. "I'm sorry. I should go," Dani says quietly. She turns quickly on her heels and races down the beach. 

"No one has ever defended me before," I whisper, to myself more that anybody.  I can't believe Benedict just did that. He grabs my chin and tilts my face to his. "I couldn't sit here and let her insult you like that. Did you see the way she looked at you? Like you were worthless!" He gently plants a kiss on my lips. "Never let anyone tell you that you are worthless, because you are far from it." 

"Oh, Benedict," I says as I lean in for another kiss. Abruptly, I pull back. "Wait a minute. You said that I am your girlfriend."

"Well, yes, I did," Benedict admits.

"Were you serious? Do you actually want me to be your girlfriend? Or did you just say that to shut her up?"

"Miss Adrian, from the moment I saw your magnificent brown eyes, I knew that you were someone special and I wanted to spend time with you. So yes, I do want you to be my girlfriend. that alright?"

I can't keep a huge smile from splitting my face. "Benedict Cumberbatch, I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend."

Benedict's grin seems to rival even mine. He grabs the wine and two flutes. "A toast! To my beautiful, amazing, intelligent girlfriend!"

I laugh and raise my flute. "To my incredibly handsome, talented, upstanding boyfriend!"

We drink with flourish. Benedict lays down on the blanket and I lay my head on his chest and we fix our attention on the sea before us. 


#benedictthesassmaster get on that internet. I liked writing this chapter a lot. It shows how much Benedict really loves Campbell and how he doesn't want anybody to take advantage of her. Anyway, comment, like, follow, share, all that jazz. You know what to do. Keep on reading! There is a chapter waiting for you! 

Oh, and I uploaded a video of "Hello, I Love You" By The Doors. I love the song and Jim Morrison is a bad-ass. So there you go. Enjoy!

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