Hide and seek

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This game is rather easy and the steps are simple.

First you must find a small needle in your house and you must hold onto this item until it is needed.

You must now find a small confined room such as a closet, starting the game anywhere else well most certainly end with them taking you. A small bathroom will also work. A bedroom will not suffice.

You must then walk into the place that you will be hiding. You must be completely alone. Pets can be in the house with you but not in your hiding place.

You must turn off the lights in the room that you are hiding in, get into a position where you will not have to move more than a few inches.

At this point you still have a chance to back out of the game and continue your day or continue with the game.

Now you must take out the needle that you have and prick your index finger causing it to bleed a little, you must immediately close your eyes and say "Come and find me" this will trigger the game. You must not leave the spot you are in or they will find you. You must only breathe through your nose or they will hear you and they will take you. You must be as motionless as possible and keep your heart rate down or they will hear it beating. You must be calm.

They already know where you are but will not enter the room unless you trigger them to hear you. They will repeatedly walk past the room you are in trying to get your heart racing. If you locked the door then you have failed the game and one of them will already be in the room with you. You will occasionally hear them speak, sometimes in familiar voices trying to get you to speak but you must not if you value your life.

Do not leave the room until you hear one of them say the exact words "We could not find you" and at this point you may leave the room

The game is not yet over and your life could still be in danger. You must walk up to any mirror in your house and take the needle back out and prick your forehead causing it to bleed a little and look yourself in the mirror and say "I am a seeker"

If you do not do the last step within ten minutes of when you left your hiding place or they will take you in your sleep.

If you managed to complete the game then you are no longer in danger and have been rewarded.

Your reward is nobody can hide from you. This goes for physical and emotional hiding. You can see a persons true self by making direct eye contact. If you simply say the persons full name you can find there exact location.

Once you have completed this game you can no longer reactivate it.

It is not known what happens to those who are found by "them" when they trigger the game but they are never found again...........

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