Thoughts on Season 12 teaser

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My thoughts for the Season 12 teaser... yeah, I'm well aware the season is over and we're on season 13. But again, this is a random question that came to me as I rewatched it. Man, I really need to keep better tabs on my thoughts...


Anyone remember Season 11, 6 and the beginning bit of episode 7? Yes, the ones where Red dies then get buried by Bobby, despite Nick saying Red deserves no such thing? 

Right, now remember those two.


Because they show the frontal part of Red's base and that's what's important right now. In Episode 6 - 'Striking Back', we get our final confrontation between Nick and Red, one that was a long time coming. A pretty good ending despite the... flaws it has. But anyway, the important thing is in that episode, Nick finally kills Red.

In Episode 7 - 'Marching on Atlanta',  we see a conversation between Nick and Bobby with Red as the topic. Why? Because Bobby was digging a grave for our favorite cannibal in the front courtyard of Red's base. (remember that, that's important)

In the same episode at around 3:08 of the video... We see a nice portion of the front of Red's base, evident with that giant ass red 'R' on the wall there. That's important too.

With those in mind... would anyone mind telling me why it was shown at the end of the Season 12 teaser with Ross speaking about how his work is done but the experiment has just begun? 

My questions are, since Red's Men took off to join the CDC group... did they ALL forget about Ross' territory of the base? When they were clearing it out with supplies and such, did NO ONE go into Ross' part of the place? Or did they simply ignored the cellblock area to just throw anything useful within reach onto the trucks and get out as fast as possible?

If that's the case then Ross is still there with his personal guard... and Red's body is within reach for him to shove viruses into. 

Could it mean that Red may be returning in a later season? We know it took Barney several seasons to return as a Walker... and one more before he was reverted back to... normal... some how. (I still question how the hell the 'cure'  reversed death and decay on someone that was killed twice (once by injection of the virus from Ross and the other when Sky had to put him down) and been DEAD for months in the ground. What is this? Warm Bodies? (that's a movie for those that don't know. One, I don't really like.))

Would Ross do the same with Red?

Maybe. I mean Red's still fresh, dead... but still fresh. So it might have interesting effects with the virus if Ross uses him for an experiment or two. We all know Ross can't pass up using someone to be a test subject. Whether they're dead or alive. So its quite possible that Red would return, the question being would he still be himself... a little or just a Walker that can speak brokenly and seems to have a little bit of a thought process aside from, 'Feed me I'm hungry, damnit.'

What do you guys think?

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