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Blairs POV

"Yo girl wake up i wanna go see my boyf"

Mar said rudely shaking me awake

"Well that was rude"

I grunted as i forced my eyes open

"Come on chika"

She said pulling me up

I looked at the time


I sighed then went to my suitcase and pulled out an outfit

Need to look good to meet grayson

I thought to myself as i looked the outfit i had chosen up and down

(Picture above is the outfit⬆️)

I had a shower and got ready and all that jazzy stuff

*going to see the twins*

I was waiting by the door for Mar to come down

A few minutes later she finally was finished getting resdy

"About time"

I said chuckling to myself as she jumped off the last steps

She rolled her eyes jokingly


She yelled as we left the house

"Were meeting them at the park down the street"

She told me as we started to walk

I nodded

We got there a few minutes later and waited for the twins to arrive on a bench

I saw 2 guys with dark hair in the close distance who i presumed were the twins seems as Marina squeeled then got up and ran and hugged one of the 2

I got up off the bench and awkwardly walked over to them and small waved

"Ethan, Grayson, this is my cousin Blair"

Marina said introducing me to them

"Hi im gray"

One of them said smiling warmly at me making me blush

Holy shit hes beautiful

I thought to myself

"Im ethan"

The other one said

Marinas boyfriend

I reminded myself

"Quick question... how can i tell you two apart?...sorry just so i dont mix you up"

I asked

"I have a freckle mole thing on my chin right here and Ethan has one on his cheek and by his eye"

Grayson said pointing to his chin

I nodded taking the information in

Ethan and Mar got themselves into a deep conversation with eachother leaving me and Grayson to stand there awkwardly

"So are you from around here"

i still love you|| G.B.DWhere stories live. Discover now