My brother's..

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So, I was talking to my older brother earlier today... I miss him so much. He is in college. And so, he visited me and my younger brother today... He  had time with my younger. They were playing with his little toys and stuff... Then we started talking. *Chuckles* we started talking about, my girlfriend. How I love her so much. How she always makes me happy. And how beautiful she is. Then we started talking about this girl who was on bs last night... How people like her, only try to make people feel bad, but you just gotta laugh at them. We talked about my mother. How's she has tried to communicate with me, and my little brother. And all that she has done. Talked about all of our dads... Since we all have different father's. We talked about how he is doing in college. His grades... Straight A's. He is very smart. We both cried... It was so good. I've missed my bro so much..... But he had to leave to go back to college. Glad he visited though.

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