The Airport

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I probably shouldn't leave the window open, Ada Smith thought as the December snowflakes kept falling on her face. The girl was sitting in the backseat of her mom's car, staring at the sights they passed by. She rubbed them off, but more landed on her clothes and her eye. "Ow!" she said painfully, covering it up with her hand, hoping that nobody would notice.

"You okay?" her little sister Irene asked, looking up from her lap. She had a piece of paper on her lap with a few books underneath, along with a few pencils by her legs. The eight-year-old seemed to be writing something. Probably a school assignment, Ada presumed. 

"I'm fine," Ada replied, but saw her mother tilted the  rear window and....said something? She didn't know. Ada couldn't read lips when they're far away from her. It was one of the downsides of being deaf. "What did she say?"

"She asked why were you screaming ow," the little girl replied. 

"Tell her that a snowflake got into my eye and remember that I can't hear her when she's driving."

"Okay," she turned from her sister's direction and faced forward to the front seat. "Mom, Ada says it's just a snowflake in her eye. " Then, she turned back into Ada. "She asked how did it get into your eye."

"It was because I left the window open. " Then Ada realized that she hadn't closed it and her jeans were still frosted. She closed it right awout ay and wiped the snow off with her hand. "Okay, now it's closed." 

"Okay," Irene said bluntly, as she attended back to the paper on her lap. Ada's attention turned to the streets outside, with the entire area all covered in snow and people talking with their friends. The buildings they passed through had been decorated with Christmas ornaments and it looked like that people wanted to buy a dozen gifts before Christmas. I'm not sure if they have a bajillion dollars in the bank to buy them all, Ada thought. She wasn't planning to go shopping any time soon. Besides, she was going to the airport with her mother and sister. Her dad was returning home from his job in Europe to visit them for Christmas. He worked there as 

Behind them,stood a giant building, which was the local airport and in the left intersection of the road. But unfortunately, the girls were behind a dozen cars in front of a red light. Ada slumped in her seat and groaned. If the stoplight didn't turned red for thirty minutes, they would've been at their denomination a hour ago.  It was hard going through traffic due to snow and people trying to save up money to buy gifts for their kids, but it was even more harder with stupid stoplights that couldn't change color.  There were many holiday downsides to name, but it wasn't like Christmas was the worst time of the year. It's just that she wasn't in the mood of Christmas joy. And now wasn't the time to talk about it. 

Bored, the girl looked into the front window, expecting something to happen. Then, after ten seconds, the light was green and everyone was finally free to go. The cars in front went first, speeding to different directions while shooting snow everywhere, even on pedestrians passing by. (At that moment, Ada saw a girl walking by possibly screaming one of those words that a parent wouldn't allow.) Then, her family was ready to go; they turned two miles to the right and were ready to park, but unfortunately the parking lot was extremely packed, even the space near the front door was crowded.

"Great," Ada muttered under her breath "Where are we supposed to park now?"

One common thing about giant buildings  is that they seemed bigger on the inside, rather than on the outside. Really, the entire room was so big, it could fit ten million people in it, but there was about eight thousand of them. 

She took a seat in the front row, where a blonde-haired girl with her mom, a black middle-aged man, and a couple other people beside her. Her mother and sister were in the second row, sitting with a bunch of people she didn't recognize. S

AN: I know that I'm supposed to be on hiatus, but I want to post this since I worked over three weeks (and it was supposed to be posted a few days ago). Ada may seem a bit OOC, but that's because I haven't worked out her character yet. Yeah, i haven't given her an actual personality (maybe I will) so sue me. I pretty much 

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