Girl Meets Boy contest entry

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Well, this is my entry for the girl meets boy contest from KellyMilnerHalls. You can check out the contest through the external link to the right. I'd also like to thank RaeKitano for editing this. :) Enjoy!


My head turns just enough to see my long time crush Ray Valentino looking at me.

I notice the smile on his gorgeous face and couldn't control my legs as they begin to move me forward towards Ray.

I take a chance by opening my mouth before him. “You look happy today.”

He hesitates and a small, subtle smile appears on his face before he responds. “I am. It's a pretty great day,”

I smiled at him tentatively wondering what made his day so good. As we stood both looking at each other, not speaking, I felt my heart slowly drop as my thoughts began to stray. Does he not like me that way that I like him? Is he still stuck on Debra? Is he too conscientious of our peers surrounding us?

What is he waiting for? I mean, I'm his captivated audience of one, and yet he is still struggling for the right words to say.

His eyes find mine and something happens. An spark, no, a feeling of confidence hits Ray. What is he thinking?

“Want to go out?” he asks as he twiddles his thumbs.

I could only describe my emotions as that of euphoria. The guy of my dreams was asking me out and all I had to do was say yes. Wait, what about Debra? Would she try to get me for taking Ray after they had broken up?

I saw a bit of pain in Ray's eyes as he waited for my answer.

I once heard love has no regrets, and to be honest, I didn't have a single regret about my decision because my heart already loved him without me knowing it.

“Sure,” I say gently.

He seems surprised by my response because he says, “I mean on... like a date type thing?”

I laugh lightly at his statement; boys could be such fools sometimes. “Yeah I got that.”

I look up slightly into his eyes and I'm pretty sure that this is how true love is supposed to start out.

Girl Meets Boy contest entryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon