bitch better have my money.

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"You. Thought. I. Was. Fucking. Playing. About. My. Money." I punctuated each word with a kick to the man's stomach.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he held his hand up trying to stop another blow before falling back and coughing up blood. I bent down and wiped his face in it.

"No ya playing me fa dumb, you tink I got all dis shit from fucks like ya being 'sorry' fa not doin' what I said?"

He shook his head as much as he could with my hand gripping his hair.

"An' what pisses me off more is dat now I gotta be the asshole, ya tink I'm an asshole don't ya?"

"N-no… No you aren't an a-asshole."

"Flattery gets ya no where," I chuckled as he whimpered.

"Aye, Chris bring me that iPad. I wanna show yuh how much I ain't playin' wit yuh, Jon."

He brung it to me and I put it in his face, his warehouse appeared but all you could see were six men with their hands tied behind their back and black bags tied over their heads.

"M.A you there?"

"Yeah boss," she nodded as she came into the frame. I laughed as he tried to look away.

Chris pulled out his gun, kneeling down to press the barell to his temple.

"You might wanna watch this," was all he said.

"Go ahead, M.A."

She went down the line firing a single shot in the head of each man, their bodies dropping with a thud.

"That'll be all," I said and the screen went black.

"Shut yo bitch ass up with all that fucking crying, you white boys softer than females." Chris yelled at him as he pulled him up by his ugly ass suit.

"Now… What's gon' happen is, I'm personally gon' mek sure nothing goes wrong with mi staff replacing yours. Then I gotta leave, but this gentleman behind me is taking over an' if anything an' I do mean anything doesn't go accordin' to plan I will be mailing ya body to ya motha. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," he nodded his head quickly.

"Great," I patted his cheek with a smile.

"Now get him in the van and bring me mi phone, I needa talk to mi princess."

Two men dragged him out, throwing him into a black van and another one handed me my iPhone. Chris and I followed getting in the back of my Maybach with my driver trailing it to the warehouse.

"Hey Daddy," she purred.

"Hey princess. I miss you."

Chris rolled his eyes then pretended to gag so I hit him. He just a hater.

"I miss you too! When are you gonna be done?" she whined.

"Soon. Grab some dinner with Bey and the kids, just bring me sum'n back."

"Okayyyy," I chuckled because I could tell she was pouting.

"Stop it, I'll be home by the time ya get back."

"And we can cuddle?"

"Yes baby, we can cuddle."

"Thank you daddy! I love you! Bye!"

"Love you too, princess."

I hung up the phone tossing it in Chris' lap and he just stared at me.

"Nigga you are so fucking wrapped around her finger," he laughed.

"You'll understand when you get a bitch that's even half as bad as Nika and stop messing with those ratchet hoes you like to mess with."

"What about Camilla she was--"

"A hoe."

"Yeah that's true…I passed her off to the niggas after I was done and everything. Okay but what bout Veronica?"

"Bro was more of a hoe than Camilla, remember she fucked Ryan while ya two wah still togetha?"

"Man fuck you, you make one right decision with a girl an' now you judging me!"

"Haaaa ya big mad or lil mad?" I asking grabbing his cheeks.

"Fuck outta my face with alla dat," he pushed me away playfully.

"All I'm sayin' is yuh a cute nigga to be black wit freckles, yuh needa get ya shit togetha. Cuz I ain't playin aunty to yo half hoe children."

"Rob I swea' to gawd all you fuckin do is play," he said trying to act like he wasn't laughing.


remi's outfit in the mm.

sup babes! i appreciate the love you guys have shown, continue to show that love and i'll continue with the updates lol.

and as usual i got a few questions

1. what year were you born?

2. what's a deal breaker for you in a relationship?

3. do you forgive easily?

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