Family & Last Names

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Last Name:Blackfire
History on that name:The Blackfire family was a very rich family until an incident in the 1800's when David Blackfire made a huge bet with a werewolf, and lost. They are known for being one of the first families to fight for Downworlders rights.
Family:Your parents were killed by a Ravener horde when you were 13, but your aunt and uncle live in Idris with your three cousins, twins, Mia and Josh, and baby Lucy
Last Name:Harper
History on that last name:Lol, I just randomly thought it up
Family:Your sister Jess Harper, who was the one that Turned you, after you attempted to drag her out into the sun, she freaked out and bit you, you're orphans, so you don't know your parents.
Last name:L'ange
History on this last name:It means 'The Angel' in French (I'm like, 80% sure of that)
Family:Your father, and adopted cousins, Felicity, George, and Mika
Last name:Amour
History on that name:It means Love in French (80% sure of that, don't judge my love for French, it's just so fun to say)
Family:Your adopted younger sister, Emmy Maze (or what ever name she's picked for the week, her last name is still slightly undecided)

I repeat, don't judge my love for French, I'm planning to learn it next year, at my new boarding school, that I'm not 100% happy about going to

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