Chapter Ten:LIE ABOUT US

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Oh man fuck,I can't believe what just happened, everything was going my way until Nicole decided to come back. What the hell was she even doing here?

I try to call Laura but she still won't pick up.

Last time she tried to kill herself what if she does the same.

I pace back and fourth trying to think of what to do next.
The door opens. It's her.

"Why did you leave like that?" I ask her.

She starts laughing.

I honestly thought she was upset, at least it's not as worse as the silent treatment she likes giving me.

"Don't tell me you wanted me to watch you guys get into action?" She asks me. It's not what you think baby,she kissed me,I wasn't even aware that she would,I can't kiss anyone besides you laura, I swear.

No Lewis, you are one  manipulative asshole, each time I fucking trust you,you give me a fucking reason to regret my decision. I love you more with each day that passes  but am only human and am tolerance to certain amount of bullshit and this time am numb,I can't feel shit and it's your damn fault.

Laura! Look at me,I tell her. I love you and no else.

"You sure do have a weird way of showing you love someone, going around kissing girls while am out here waiting for you,"she tells me. She kissed me I swear,I respond moving close to her

" Am tired, I want to sleep,"she tells me .

Okay we can talk  tomorrow then,I tell her as we both get in bed.

I wake up to lewis in my room laying next to me.

Lewis!I call out and he wakes up in no time.

"Am sorry for what happened yesterday, I wasn't aware she would show up like that,I swear,"he says.

Meaning what?do you know that girl?you were the one telling me about honest a week ago,prove it,"I tell him, cause if you don't,am done Lewis,am tired of the same high school bullshit. I saw you with that damn woman that's why I tried to kill myself that time but now I will do worse,I will forget you like I never knew you.

"Yes I know her laura," she's my.

She's your what?

She was my girlfriend before I came here.

"And now?I ask him but he says nothing.

And now Lewis? I fell in love with you Laura but I didn't tell  her that.

" So you guys are still dating,am I right? "I ask him,am so hurt but am trying my best not to show it.

"Please answer me Lewis and now?"we were together but not like that,I feel nothing for her,it was just a matter of explaining to her and telling her about you.

" Where you with her when you left me?" Yes I was only cause I wasn't certain of what I felt for you but now I know and losing you is not an option, Laura am willing to give up anything for you. If you want I will cancel all my shoots in London and take the ones here just so I can show you how much I love you. We can get an apartment near school. I will work on my business from here. Please baby I don't want to lose you,I love you so much,I tell her.

"One condition only that will make me stay with you," I tell him. Which is what Laura? When it's Christmas break I want to meet your parents. My parents know you even though my Dad doesn't like you one bit at least his willing to adjust cause he put up with you last time.

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