The Start To Finish

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My name is Evalynn but everyone calls me Eva. I'm Just your average adult and I do average  things, except for today; today I'm getting a tattoo, but not just any tattoo, an Ink Master tattoo. I love tattoos, the pain gives me such a rush and it's beyond addicting. I always want more! But today I applied to be an Ink Master Canvas, and....I got in! I've requested a realistic hummingbird on my shoulder blade, for my great grandmother whom passed away. 

The day of, I eagerly got my self dressed in a nice pair of jean shorts, a burgundy tank, and some white converse. I was shaking I was so nervous/ excited! For one I was going to be getting tatted for free! And two I was going to be in front of some of the most amazing tattoo artists and a rockstar! Aka Chris Nunez, Oliver Peck, and Dave Navarro. Name more iconic trio! ;) I arrived at the building and noticed several people waiting in the front room. "Are you A Canvas this evening?" An older woman asked me. "Yes." I nodded. "Name please?" She asked. "Um Evalynn Faye. "Alright Ms. Faye, if you'll take a sit, over there, someone will be out to escort you all in a minute." I smiled and nodded and took a seat next to a man who was sweating balls! I sighed. About ten minutes later a man came out and told us to follow him. "Now line up by name." I was the third in line out of six. It was getting real. A bunch of talking was going on behind me, but I was too excited to even pay attention. The guy gave a thumbs up and out we walked. My eyes went straight to the one and only Dave Navarro and for some odd reason it seemed like his eyes went straight to me. Here I was standing in front of these amazing people and one of the most attractive man in the world. They went down the line and asked us what we wanted to have done. "A realistic hummingbird on my shoulder blade." I replied. I could see the contestants nod as if I was an easy one. And maybe I was, I just wanted a good tattoo. I was paired up with some guy named Drew. "So you're dead set on this design?" Drew asked me. I nodded. "Yep." Then I turn to a speaking Dave. "You have six hours to complete your tattoos. Your time!" I layer down on the tattoo bed and let the man go to work. "What do you do for a living?" Drew asked trying to make small talk. "I'm a blogger, dumb I know, but it works and I like it!" "Cool cool." He replied. Next thing I new Dave was over the guys shoulder looking st the tattoo in progress. "How's it going over here?" He asked. I have a thumbs up and he chuckled a bit. "Is say it is too." He confirmed. I smiled. "One hour remaining!" Dave called out. I sighed. It's getting down to it and I can tell this giy is getting nervous. Don't screw it up! I yell in my mond. "That is time! Put your pens down." It was over. I grab a small mirror and look at my shoulder in another. It was beautiful. I smiled. "It's. it's amazing." I was at a loss for words. "I'm glad you like it!" Drew exclaimed. "I'm rooting for you." I said. He thanked me and walked to another room. People came in and gave us ointment and things to put on our tattoo and some after care. Dave made his way back to us canvases. "How are you all doing?" He asked. We all said what we were feeling. I just said good. "Evalynn, may I speak with you?" He asked. I'd have to say it caught me by surprise a little. I stood up and followed him to a different room. "How was your experience?" He asked. I nodded. "It went really well!" He smiled. "That's good. Look the other canvases are meeting up with us later to grab some dinner. Are you in?" I nodded. "Absolutely!" He smiled again "great!" He told me when and where. Now to get ready for dinner!

I did this al on my phone so I apologize if there are errors!! Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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