Preferences #1 How You Meet ♥︎

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Type: Preference

Words: 3318

Requested: No

Liam: Every day, you like to come to the park with a warm drink, just sit on a bench and watch people. Watch the people interact and go to places. It was fascinating. So today, like any other day, ordered a coffee from your local coffee shop and made your way over to the park.

You couldn't have been sitting there for more than 5 minutes until a gorgeous husky trotted over to where you were sitting. When the dog got to you, it nuzzled its face against your legs. You let out a laugh and reach out to pet the dog.

"Hello there handsome boy." You say to him while rubbing behind his ears. You look around for his owner, or someone looking for a dog. But, there was no one.

"Where is your human buddy?" You say to the dog while thinking what to do. You check the dog's name tag.

"Loki. Well hello there Loki, let's go find your human yeah?" You say. You stand up and walk a couple of steps, and sure enough, Loki has followed you.

"Good boy." You coo at him. You and Loki walk around the park for about 10 minutes, waiting for someone to recognize the dog. After no one comes to collect Loki, you decide to just sit down somewhere and wait. Loki sits next to you and puts his head on your lap. You chuckle and go back to petting him.

Finally, you see a man looking around frantically for something. As soon has he makes eye contact with you, he looks relieved and runs towards you. As soon as Loki sees the man running towards him, he immediately jumps down and runs towards the man as well. They meet half way and the man puts Loki's leash back on and pets him. The man looks up at you and approaches you with Loki.

"Thank you so much for finding him. I'm sorry for any trouble he may have caused you." He says politely. You stand up and smile at him.

"It was no problem, he was no trouble at all." You say as Loki once again nuzzles at your legs. You chuckle and crouch down to pet him, as a way of saying goodbye.

You stand back up again and say goodbye to the man. "Well, I best be off now but I'm glad you got Loki back." You tell him with a smile. He just smiles back at you and you walk off back to the direction of your home.

"Wait!" You hear someone call after you. You turn your head and see the man running towards you.

"I'm Liam." He says out of breath, but with a smile none the less.

You giggle. "I'm (Y/N)."

Harry: There's something about the city that just fascinates you. Watching people rush around to get to places, meet people and do things. Like busy bees, they rush around getting from one place to the next. After finishing college and traveling, you finally decided to settle down and bought a small apartment/loft in the middle of the city. It was small and unorganized, but it was home. You woke up to the sound of rain hitting the tin roof or your apartment, sitting up in bed, you yawned and pushed your hair out of your face. Groggily, you made your way over to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

When you had gotten dressed for the day in a sweater, leggings, boots and a soft oversized trenchcoat, you made sure to grab your bag and bring you essentials like your phone and your keys, and the worn down book you were currently reading for the 3rd time. Oh, and not to mention an umbrella, you were going to need it. Luckily for you, your apartment was situated just a block from the nearest coffee shop.

As you stepped out your apartment door, you walked no more than 10 steps until someone ran into you. It was a handsome young man with dark brown curls. He was drenched from head to toe, had no umbrella and was obviously in a rush to get somewhere. As you both collided, you let out a startled noise and would have fallen into the puddles on the sidewalk if two strong arms hadn't have caught you. The man put you back on your feet and once he knew that you were alright, he was off again. Dashing to get to some unknown place.

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