Chapter Two

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LilyxRJ Fic. After Lily gets in some trouble, Lily and Rj's relationship is strained.

After the guys split up. They all got caught up in really tough battles with really strong monsters.

"Hey Theo, now might be a good time to morph. These creeps look tough" Casey said.

"Yeah good idea" Theo replied.

They both took out their Morphers and yelled "Jungle beast, spirit unleashed!"

The blue and red Rangers were strong and fought back the monsters as best they could but got knocked down plenty of times.

Meanwhile, RJ also found a monster blocking his way.

"Oh great, just what I need a monster. Do you mind I'm trying to save my girlfriend?!" RJ yelled at the monster.

The monster came in with an attack. RJ swiftly dodged the attack.

"Okay. Time to finish you!" RJ yelled.

"Jungle beast, spirit unleashed!"

The wolf ranger went in for the attack and hit right on point.

"That's what you get for getting in my way" RJ angrily shouted.

The monster didn't stay down for long and when it got back up. It hit RJ with a powerful attack. RJ crumpled to the floor.

Dom also found a monster waiting for him. "So Dai Shi did have some monsters blocking the way. I thought as much" Dom said.

Casey and Theo, were fighting a bunch of monsters blocking their way

"Theo, maybe Lily is this way since there's all these monsters blocking the way" Casey said.

"Yeah maybe you're right, Case" Theo replied.

"If I am right then we better hurry up and defeat them. Lily's in big trouble" Casey said.

"Yeah let's do this quick then" Theo replied.

Jungle master mode! They both yelled.

Meanwhile, RJ had finished fighting the monsters he had blocking the way. His determination to save Lily helped him beat the monsters. He ran ahead and found a cabin not too far from the temple.

Dom had also beat one monster that was blocking the way. But he had a triple attack heading his way. He narrowly avoided it and slammed them with a strong attack but they weren't finished yet.

RJ looked through the window of the cabin and saw Lily laying on the floor. He smashed the window and jumped through and pulled Lily from under some rubble and then jumped out.

RJ called the guys over his morpher. "Guys, it's RJ. I've got Lily, but she's unconscious and I need to get her to the hospital. So can you guys meet us there"

Casey responded "Yeah RJ. That's fine. We'll see you soon"

RJ carried her to the hospital. When he got there, he ran through the door. He went over to the reception desk"Can we get some help? My girlfriend's unconscious and she's pretty badly hurt"

"Yeah they'll be a doctor over as soon as possible. What's her name?" The receptionist said.

"Lily Chilman" RJ replied.

"Okay. Take a seat and the doctors will take her soon" The receptionist replied.

"Is there any way we can get a doctor now? She really needs help" RJ asked.

"I'm sorry but we can't do anything about it. You'll just have to wait" The receptionist answered.

"Fine!" RJ replied. He stormed over to a chair. He cradled Lily in arms tightly. "What if she doesn't make it? I don't know what I'd do without her" he thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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