I sat back down on the floor and started to clean her messy cupboards,once done i go back to my seat which is situated at the back of the class.

"thank you" she says to me while admiring her cupboards that i cleaned up.

i smiled and started drawing a wolf in my sketchpad as i was already done with my artwork. "You draw pretty well" i hear a voice,i look up to see Brent. Brent is my childhood best friend and apparently Jason's friend too.

"thank you Brent yours is not bad either" I say looking at his drawing,he drew a landscape which was very pretty.

"Brenty baby" I hear a girl calling him.

"oh god no!" he says gulping getting up to hide behind me making me chuckle.

"Oh hey Abby."

Abby is one of Candice's friends by the look on Brent's face he wasn't happy at all to see her.

"what's wrong Brenty is she annoying you?" she said referring to me.

"no it's the actual opposite" he says to her which made me chuckle once more.

"what are you laughing at?" she said chewing her gum and staring at me.

" at that pimple on your nose" I say causing Brent to laugh

''O-M-G no I thought I got rid of it!" she says covering her nose and walking away.

Brent and I look at each other before laughing which caused Jason to look at me,when I smiled at him and he just rolled his eyes looking away.

"she's so annoying,i swear she's stalking me." Brent says while watching me draw.

"every girl stalks you" I said

"so you stalk me too" he says wiggling his eyebrows which made me laugh.

"you wish! let me say that again, every girl stalks you but i don't".

"awh you broke my heart" he said touching his chest and wiping away his imaginary tears.

after a few minutes the bell rings, i grab my bag and rushed out of class " Hey Evie Wait!" Brent says chasing after me,eventually he catches up

"why are you running!?" he says

"Today is Taco Tuesday and I know how fast these Taco finish" i say grabbing a tray and placing 3 Taco's on it or maybe 5 don't judge i love taco's!.

he Laughs and says " i thought you were running away from me, but you were just running to get taco's"

"well i was running from you too" i tease

"ha ha" he says messing my hair.

i sit down at the cafeteria where normally Brent and i sit, Brent is pretty much the only friend i have because for some reason everybody else hates me.

"what you two love birds doing" Jason says before sitting next to Brent, i ignored him and ate my Taco's.

"zhis Iz SOO GWAD" i say taking another bite of Taco

"what?" Brent and Jason says in unison

" i said that this is soo good!" i say taking a sip of juice.

they both laugh when i suddenly hear " Hey babe"


i swear her voice sounds like a dying bird.

"Hey gorgeous" he reply's to Candice and they immediately start making out causing me to lose my appetite, okay i'm just kidding i'll never waste food.

My Next Door NeighbourOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora