Impossible ~Chapter 1~

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“So, what do you say? Will you go out with me?" Dylan asked. He was standing next to my locker and all eyes were on me, waiting for my usual response. I let out a sigh and he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"No." I answered simply. I shut my locker and turned to walk off. Everybody in the hallway all started murmuring and then the bell rang, indicating lunch time. I headed toward the lunchroom when I heard,

“Wait! Please Emma?" He rushed to my side and looked at me. Everyone turned to, again, stare at the situation. I shook my head.

"No." Then I walked off over to the stairs that led to the lunchroom. Some of my friends caught up with me and from behind me I heard some guy saying,

“Don't let it get to you man. She says that to everyone."

It was true. All the guys would do anything just to date me. I was sporty, flirty, crazy, funny, and smart. Plus I do cheer leading, which pretty much drew everyone crazy. But for some reason, I said no to every guy who asked me out - which was a lot. All the guys asked me out at least once, if not more. All except one boy named Matt, but only because he was one of my good friends. His mom is friends with mine, so when they go to each other house, Matt and I tag along with them to hang out and watch t.v. But still...

I shrugged off the thought and decided to listen to the conversation that my friends were having.

"Aww. Poor Dylan. At least he got the courage to try." Mikayla said.

"I wouldn't mind if he asked me out." Kelly replied giggling.

"It's not like he's the head of the football team or something. He's just some guy in our chemistry class." Lindsey said. I rolled my eyes at the comment.

"That doesn't matter. At least he's smart and cute." Kelly said defensively.

"Why didn't you say yes?" They all suddenly asked me.

"Wait, wait, and wait. Don't tell me." Mikayla said putting up her hands. Then she started to wave them around. "He wasn't the right guy.’" She said imitating me. She flipped her hair and jutted out her hips. She looked at me and poked out her lips. I laughed at her attempt to act like me.

"Well, he wasn't the right guy." I said matter-of-factly. Lindsey rolled her eyes. We got to the lunchroom and opened it. Everyone who was in there got quiet and turned to look at me for a second. Then they resumed talking, some in hushed tones. Most of them were probably talking about me and my latest 'turn down'. My friends and I walked to our usual table and when I sat down; a couple of heads turned to look at me and then went back to whispering. I ignored all of them and took out my ham sandwich from my lunch bag. Kelly and Mikayla sat across from me while Lindsey sat on one side of me.

Lindsey is probably my best friend. We tell each other everything and we go to each other’s houses all the time to do homework or talk. Kelly and Mikayla are just some random friends that I like to talk to at school.

As I took a bite out of my sandwich, Matt came and sat down on the un-occupied seat next to me. He put his lunch tray down which consisted of applesauce, French fries, and a hamburger.

"Eww. Hamburgers." I muttered. He heard me and lifted it up to his mouth out took a big bite out of it dramatically.

"What too many carbs?" He joked. Bits of food flew out of his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full. And no - it doesn't have 'too many carbs'. I just don't like them." I replied blankly. It was true. I just didn't like hamburgers. They taste like flavorless meat. Yuck!

"I heard about you and Dylan." Matt said, swallowing his food.

"Who didn’t?" I said. I took another bite out of my sandwich. I was the most popular girl in the school and all the teachers loved me. I could do anything. I made the highest grades and I could play any sport and win the game. I guess everyone was surprised that I never had a boyfriend.

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