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  "Iiiim not eeeeven together right   now."

  Haughty laughter tumbled out of my mouth, excitement making my heart beat rise and making me feel light.

  It was a bit dark, the sky shown with a couple stars, Almost a dream as laughter filled in the lull in talking.

I watched in amazement and horror as I looked on at the two friends kissing. I was screeching.

Too happy to drop the smile on my face and to pumped to look away.

I mumbled incoherent words as the two kissed. Everybody screaming at the top of their lungs.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

The broke apart wiping their faces screaming and jumping away.

Childish in our of itself but we were too young to think of any other way.

The pavement was cold under my feet as I stood pacing slightly, not ready to calm down from the high.

It was a birthday party, streamers and and everything. We were on the back porch playing truth or dare if all things.

I was laughing too loud, everybody was drunk on the feeling of being a little grown up. Small side conversations played everywhere. Lights from houses that sat nearby flickered off.

It was 10:00 and we were supposed to be inside.

"Alright, alright, alright." Everybody jumping on top of each other to quiet the others down. Screaming to diffuse the light feeling in our chest. Soon we were quiet enough.

"Sit down, shit man. We gotta finish the fucking game." I laughed this aloud at the people wandering around.

Seats were found gathering close enough around a semicircle, misshapen circle on cold pavement. It was warmed by the noise and the feeling. Just everything.

"Who's got the bottle." Harry screamed.

Someone else was screaming. "It's right here, turn your dumb ass around." Nicole was laughing. Everyone around her too.

Conversation piled on top of eachother. Filling the calm silence.

The clink of the bottle hitting the pavement as Harry decided to start the game rang loud in my ears.

"Everybody shut the fuck up." I was laughing and yelling.

"Wait who's turn is it." Kenya was questioning. Not caring but enough.

Names flew around too quick.

I raised my hand to shut em up. I told them it was my turn. I don't really know if it was. I wasn't sure. It didn't matter.

Alright he passed me the bottle. I laughed, giddy. I paused to look around the circaretogon thing. I though about if I cared to kiss any of the boys.

Micheal, maybe Jonathan. I wouldn't mind Tery. Not at all.

I spun the bottle around, watching the bottle dip at certain places.

Finally it stopped on... Kenya.

"Nahhh nah nah."

An upheaval of noises layered.

"Just spin again" everybody agreed.

I spun it again and as it slowed my heart started to stop.

It landed on fucking Tery.

"Dude." " No fucking way." Excited words broke into fits as it was decided 10 seconds me and him.

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