Welcome Party

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A/N: First authors note! anyway Dylexia's dress is over there -------------------------------->

i love it and its the right one, but its in the wrong color and the shoulder things aren't there.  anyway on with the chapter!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome Party

"That was…brave. Really," Lucy hurriedly added, as we walked towards my room after breakfast. Susan had lingered in the breakfast room to calm Peter down who was equally angry at me and Edmund, and Edmund…well; he refused to turn up throughout the rest of breakfast. I tried not to think about it.

"So...Lucy, uh…Susan was joking about the party, right?" I said, changing the topic, because Lucy had constantly talked about Edmund ever since we left the kitchen or whatever it was where we had ate. Lucy gave me the 'have-you-descended-from-Mars' look again.

"O-of course not. Susan is famous for her galas and parties Dylexia. We have two delegations staying, and we can also improve relations." Lucy sounded very bubbly, but I felt exactly the opposite way. I had a very bad repute with parties. My mind slipped off again.


It was my annual school drama festival after party. I couldn't find anything 'partish' to wear so I had stuck with a jeans and T-shirt. Teria was there looking all fluffy and pretty in a long dress. In my high school, it was all about the bling. That's why, Teria ran the school.

I lingered at a table, alone. I was a freak, remember? But funnily enough, the kids couldn't ignore me. Great. Teria came to me and I looked up at her, with a 'what-is-it' look.

"What in demon's name are you wearing?" she asked in a squeaky voice; it's considered fashionable to speak like this at school. "Clothes." I muttered and got up. I don't really know what happened, but the next moment, I was lying face down in the cake, with havoc around me.

End of flashback.

"Dylexia?" Lucy was staring at me concerned. I looked at her with a sheepish grin. She looked right through me.

"What were you thinking?" she asked me, rubbing my upper arm with concern. I sighed, and the vision briskly crossed my mind again. Thinking better than to tell her, I opened my mouth to utter a stupid excuse, but Susan's voice spared me the difficulty.

"Wait up!" She looked exhausted as she caught up with the pair of us, and grinned. I realized with a jolt that her smile was identical with Edmund's smirk. She seemed happy about something. Panting, she let it out.

"Pe…Peter allowed to let her stay, and the party has to be arranged in one d…day. Is…isn't that wonder…ful?"

It wasn't wonderful to me but Lucy seemed ecstatic about it.


"Leave me alone!" I shouted haplessly, as Susan sat me down, forcefully in the chair of my dressing table. According to them, I had to choose a dress; this wasn't at all cool. Dresses and I didn't get along very well. Susan ignored my 6th protest and laid down all of her and Lucy's dresses on my temporary bed.

"Okay, so what's your favourite colour?" she asked me as I eyed the dresses darkly. "For the time being, none." Lucy spared me the trouble to speak my mind. I was actually gonna say "Now look here!" but Lucy's statement was better. Susan sighed impatiently and waved a dress hanger in my face. "I cannot afford going to this party dressed so simple or in your clothes! It is an order for you to choose fast or it's the dungeon for you!" she said indignantly, and I sighed in defeat.

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