Chapter 5 - Rumbled

Start from the beginning

The pair hug and Nate stares, still dumbfounded as to why she was there with them. "We had to climb." Is all he manages to get out.

"I knew the guy running this, I could've got you in safely." (Y/N) shrugs, pulling away from Sam.

"I should've told you, I'm sorry." Nate apologises and she waves him off. "What's the plan?" She then questions, changing the subject.

"Well, you've been to prison, right?" Sam asks and she laughs, nodding. "If you need something done?" He continues and she makes an 'O' with her mouth. "A lights out swindle, that could work." She says, making him chuckle and throw an arm around her neck.

"This is why you tell (Y/N) these things." He backs up, pointing an accusing finger at Nate, who rolls his eyes. "I'm going to the breaker room to kill the power. Sam's gonna be a waiter."

"I'm the best pickpocket." Sam says, smugly.

"Well, second." (Y/N) counters, patting his cheek and he shakes his head.

"Sully's heading down to the floor to keep an eye on the prize, letting us know if anything... hinky, goes down."

"In that case, I'll join you." She gives him a smile and he returns it, holding out his arm which she links with. "Follow me, we'll cut through the cellar." Sully states and the pair walk down the hallway.

"(Y/N)." Nate starts and the woman turns her head back, shaking it gently. "Let's leave it." She whispers, walking ahead with Sully and letting the brother's loiter behind.

They make their way downstairs and into the ballroom, walking instantly over to the cellar door and Nate tries the handle. "Oh, hell, it's locked." He mutters.

"Shit, it was open earlier." Sully says, also trying the door.

"Well, now what? Can we pick it?" Sam asks and (Y/N) shakes her head. "No, it's electronic."

"We're gonna have to find another way in -" Sully is cut off by a sound on the other side of the door. The four act normally, walking away from the door as it opens and (Y/N) pretends to smooth her dress, giving a nonchalant nod to the waiter that exits with a bottle.

"You see that?" Sam questions.

"Keycard. Left pocket." Sully states.

"On it." (Y/N) says, ignoring Nate and walking up to the waiter, accidentally bumping into him. "My, I am clumsy." She laughs as he stables her, having already swiped the keycard from his pocket. The waiter smiles at her and she returns it turning away and back to the boys.

"Nicely done." Sam congratulates and she smirks. "Any doubts?" She retaliates and he shakes his head, watching her swipe it in one motion, the door unlocking. "All right... let's try this again."

"We'll still need these." Sully holds out four earpieces and each of them takes one. "Good luck." He says, holding open the door but Nate takes his wife's hand and she sighs. "Just be careful." Is all she says, pulling her hand away and taking a step back. His face holds a look of hurt and she looks away. "We'll be in touch."

And with this, he looks one last time before walking through the door, letting Sully close it behind them. The pair link arms again, walking towards the middle of the ballroom and (Y/N) grabs a glass off one of the waiter's trays.

"Hands in the air." A voice says from behind, forcing the two to turn around but Sully grins in relief. "Hi, Victor." Her South African accent was thick.

"Hello, Nadine. Pleased to see you again."

"Only this time, I've got the drop on you." She says, pointing an imaginary gun at him.

"Well, I guess I should be glad that's not a real gun." He chuckles. "Hardly recognise you outta your fatigues."

"Yeah... you know how it is. Every once in a while a job requires us to get all, dolled up." She replies. "Who's this?" Nadine motions to (Y/N), who holds out her hand with a small smile. "(Y/N) Drake."

"Feel so out of place here. Can't tell you what a relief it is to run into another English speaker... even if you are American."

"You'll have to blame his parents for that one." (Y/N) jokes and she chuckles.

"I was on my way to the bar. Can I get either of you something?"

"Yeah, scotch - on the rocks." Sully replies and his friend rolls her eyes at his response. "Nothing for me, thanks." She adds, motioning to the glass already in her hand.

"Be right back." Nadine says, walking away from them.

"Nate. You catch all that?" Sully asks through the earpiece.

"Yes, I did. Sounds like a lady's trying to buy you a drink."

"Yeah. Nadine Ross is buying me a drink."

"Nadine Ross? Wait, doesn't she own that army for hire? What's it called, Coastline?"

"Shoreline." (Y/N) corrects.

"Thought Sully had a run in with them?"

"That's putting it mildly. Fortunately, she does not seem to be holding a grudge." Sully answers.

"Listen, we're all set, guys. You - uh, just stay out of trouble, okay?"

"We'll try." His wife replies and the earpiece goes silent once again.

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