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May 1 1900

There shall live a witch who soul is tainted by birth. This witch shall be powerful beyond all covens and supernaturals. She will be born pure but evil resides within.

There is only one who holds this curse and it's the one where the evil resides.

Beware of the darkness that conceals, for there is only one who can reverse.

May 14 1980

Daylight was beginning to fade as I begin my journey back home. I was expected by my mother before sunsets but since it was my 18th birthday and first time I was allowed in town on my own I decided to explore.

Instead of the usual right that heads to the coven I decided to venture towards the human village. Many witches believe they are superior to the human race. My mother wasn't one who viewed humans as such. As I continue to walk I didn't notice much except for a few people walking around. I turned around and headed back towards the coven when I begin to get this feelings, like something was wrong.

I picked up my pace when the covens cottages came into view and ran into my mothers.

"Mom, I'm back. Sorry I took a while but I ventured into the human village." I said as I headed to my room. "I suppose I waited too late to interact with them. Mom?" I slide the white dress my mother laid out for me on before I exited my room in search of her. Once I realized that maybe she headed to the celebration without me I hurried back into my room to get my shoes.

"Ahhh!" I fell to the floor in pain. It feels as if my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I quickly began to chant, finite incanta 3 times before the pain left. Something was terribly wrong with the coven. Something was not right.

I ran out the door headed deeper into the forest where everybody is meeting, until I felt as if I was running longer than normal. I stopped remembering when mother told me "if it doesn't feel real it isn't real." I closed my eyes and inhaled before I mumbled " liberacor."

"Oh, God" I stumble around the bodies of members of the Holm Coven looking for mother. I had to make sure that she was safe. She is all I have. She never told me who my father was and I never saw him. I continued in search of mother until I seen her.

"Noo" I cried softly as I started to fall to my knees. I cradled mother in my arms stroking her hair wondering who would do this. I placed my hand over mother eyes and that's when I saw it all.

"You and your followers call yourselves the Holm Coven but you still have failed to swear an oath to the Witches Council and why is that?" the witch hunter said.

"The Witches Council was only created out of fear of a prophecy made year ago that still has not come to pass. I will not swear my oath to anyone but my coven. A Roswell witch is considered powerful and the Council will abuse that power looking for a prophecy that may never come to pass." Mother said.

"Well," he says as he clapped his together with a smirk, "if that is still a no to pledging your loyalty to the Council this will be the end of The Holm Coven. As you said, the Roswell are a powerful family of witches we have no choice but to view you as a threat." He said walking towards mother.

"Why can't I move"

"Now, that will be the Supreme of the Council. He is helping tip the odds in our favor now it i-

I removed my hand from mother eyes and continue to cry into her chest. Mother was a good person. She never did anything wrong. Raised me to always embrace the light. I laid my mother back on the ground and gave her one last kiss before I stood to my feet.

As I look around and see all of the Coven is dead. I began to fist my hands at my sides as rage filled me. I tilted my head back and scream as loud as I could. As I begin to look back down from the owl in the sky to the bug on the ground I wanted my revenge.

I stomped the insect in the ground and watched as everything around me die including the owl in the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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