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Hiro's POV  Home

I burst through the door. Just as I reach the stairs Aunt Cass calls out to me.

"What? Aren't you going to say hi?"

"Hi!" I shout back as I slam my door shut.

Rushing into my room I miss Mochi and trip over her smacking my face on my bed and landing on the floor. (A/N How Many times have you done that (just tripping doesn't have to be over a cat) in the past year? At least 15 for me.)

"Ow." I groan. "Sorry Mochi."


I nearly pass out. I know Tadashi's alive and all, but this seemed too good to be true!


I turn around to see him staring at me from his bed. Before he can say a word I rush over and hug him, burying my face into his chest, crying my eyes out. I never thought that I would ever be able to do this again.

"I-I thought you were d-dead."

"Hey, look at me." Tadashi picks up my head in his hands. "I'm not dead," He ruffles my hair like he used to. "Knucklehead."

I smile up at him exposing the gap in my teeth. But somethings are too good to last.

"Hiro! Your friends are here!"

"Ummmm, Tadashi," I say nervously playing with my fingers, "I may or may not have not told everyone your alive yet." 'Please, please, please, don't be mad.' I think.

"That's OK, what if you just let everyone up and I'll say hi myself."

"So, your not mad?"

"Of course not. Now get going, I want to see everyone!" He shoos me out the door, kind of.

'Yes! Yes! He's alive! He's awake! And nothing's going to separate me and my brother ever again!' I scream in my mind rushing down the stairs. Literally nothing could wipe this grin off my face.

I'm not dead, Knucklehead!Where stories live. Discover now