Chapter 1 *Sexual*

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"Shut the door, turn the light off. I wanna be with you I wanna feel your love. I wanna lay beside you, I cannot hide this even if I try. Heart beats harder time escapes me trembling hands touch skin it makes this hard girl and the tears stream down my face..."~ One Direction

~Harry's Birthday morning~

"HAZZA HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!" The boys yelled into my face while I was in bed

"WOW 20 WHOOOOOOOO" Louis added

They handed me my chocolate cake and I blew out my 20 candles in bed.

"Thank you guys" I said giving them a hug

"So where are we going today?Hmmmm" Zayn asked

"No where, I am going out with Lilly later...sorry guys" I said getting out of bed rubbing my eyes.

"FINE" Louis said storming off

Once the boys left my room I look out my Ipad and all my devices to log onto twitter, facebook and others. I had lots of birthday messages and I was really thankful to fans who spent they're time to great me a happy birthday. But the most important message was form my mum, I am really close to my mum and she means the world to me. And of course Lilly's message, she exactly stayed up at 00:00 to be the first to great me, and she was. Throughout the day the boys made me a One Direction breakfast and lunch and it was not bad....for them. I spent most of the day with the boys having some bonding time since I am ditching them later. I also got a skype call from my sister and made realise how much I missed her and my mum.


"Bye boys off to Lilly's" I said fixing up my tie.

"Have fun, but not too much fun" Louis added while he played the Xbox Kinect

"hahaha good one, Harry you clean up well my friend" Niall said

I asked Louis to drive me there, since it wasn't a good idea to be walking around on the public street on my birthday. Louis was driving us to a nice restaurant that my dad owned.

"Ok boy here is the game plan, knock on her door give her the flowers and walk her over to the it?" Louis said parking the car

"I got it" I said nervously running my clammy hands together

I walked over to her apartment and knock on her door and gulped waiting for her to open it. Haven't dressed so formal for a date in my life!

"harry!" Lilly said leaping into my arms

"You smell nice" I added

"happy birthday baby boy" as I felt her breath brush against my skin

I took her hand and walked her to the car. She was wearing a beautiful sky blue dress and black rose heels and her hair was lush and straight.

"Lilly long time no see" Louis said hugging her while I opened the door for her

"Haha missed you too Lou" Lilly said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"woah back off Louis" i said jokingly

Louis drove us to the restaurant and we had to call him when were done so he can drive me back to Lilly's. Once we got there it right on the coast so the sea was near the restaurant. My dad was working that day but everyone knew that I was his kid.

Me and Lilly were still catching up on a years worth of not seeing each other, we danced in the moonlight and had an amazing time together that night and we got a little drunk. We would take it in turns to take shots and she couldn't take it since it was burning your throat.

We took photo's and I tweeted on twitter that "Having a lush birthday with the girlfriend" I think everyone needed to know. It was about 10:30pm when we called Louis to come and pick us up.

"Woah Harry you are so drunk" Louis said getting out the car and putting my arm around him

"Just a tad" I said swaying from side to side.

Some how Lilly managed to compose herself and walk like she hadn't drank anything. Once we got back to her apartment I took a power nap in the car so I was ready to stay up all night with her. She promised me a kiss on my birthday and I think I got more than one. We got pretty carried away and messed up her living room. Then things started to heat up...a lot.

"Harry I am going to get changed" Lilly said

I let her be but she was taking like forever so I decided to put on One Directions album on and listen to myself sing. I was starting to get impatient and I went to her room, Moments was playing. Lilly was standing there struggling to undo the back of her dress so I helped her. I ran my cold fingers down her back while she sighed when the relief of the tight dress came off. She turned round to face me and we kissed continuously for about 20 minutes then I moved her to her bed and she sat on top of me in her underwear. I took my top off and continued to kiss her then a few moments later I was just in my boxers. This was now or never.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked whispering it gently into her ear.

"Surprise me" she said pulling on my hair as I climbed onto her

As our make out session got heated the room was filled with sweaty skin and soft moans.

"Harry" she whispered breathless pulling away from our never ending kiss

"Yeah babe" I huskily reply balancing myself on the palms on my hands

"I want you" she looks at me deep into my eyes and runs her hands up my back causing me to shiver

"Are you sure? We don't have to rus-" she interrupts me and places a long slender finger onto my damp limps

"I want this to be the best birthday you've ever had Harry" just by saying that she seduced me

I finally brought the courage to do it. The pain in her eyes made me upset knowing I couldn't help. All I know is that this wasn't sex.

This was love making.

~Next Day~

I woke up seeing Lilly put on some clothes and tying her hair up. Everything was a blur, but then I realised I was naked? I sleep naked mostly but not when I am in front of Lilly.

"Where are you going?" i asked her

"Netball, I am late and I am their captain" she replied in a rush

I got up from her bed and saw a pile of my clothes there and put them on and went with her to drop her off the park.

"you know that was the best birthday ever?" I said holding her hand while we walked through the park

"Oh I know " Lilly looked at me with a disgusted face and gave me a cheeky wink

"it's also becasue I spent it with you" I said looking into her eyes

I watched her play for a bit then I said bye and went back to the boys house.

"I see you back Mr.Styles?" Louis said while he poured his Special K into his bowl

"yeah it was great, really great" i said smiling to myself reminiscing all the could remember from last night

"Look he's blushing awww" Niall commented

"Just promise us that you used a condom" Zayn said laughing.

I thought he was serious when he asked me that. I quickly ran to my room.

"Hahaha Harry had sex with Lilly" Louis said wetting himself

All the things they said were true except the fact that I didn't use a condom on her, I mean what harm could happen it was her first time round. I was starting to feel guilty but just tried to laugh it off.


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