he made it better (2016)

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i want to forget i met you
i want to forget how to love
i want to forget everything

those kisses
those butterflies
those hugs
but mostly
i wanna forget those lies
all of them.

i want to forget about how you loved me
i want to forget how I cried because of you

but now, I forgot
all of it...
the scars still remain but it's okay
i'll be okay
with someone new, i'll get through this.

i met him
the best thing that has ever happened to me
the boy who made me realize
love still exists
he makes me so happy
he's the one for me.
we have kisses like we did, the hugs too, but they're different than yours. i feel the love on them
but the most important of all, there's no lies
at all.

he makes me the happiest i've ever been
before, i thought it was the end for me.
he taught me that it's just the beginning of the adventure.

i love you

~ 2016

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