Your first guitar

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(I'm putting this in first person 'I'. I want you to think that it is 'You' narrating this as this would be your life and your story. I wanted you all to imagine this is strictly yourself and Prince! However, if you would prefer second person just let me know! P.S. Warning, Smut later on in the Imagine ;)

I was in a guitar shop in downtown Minneapolis. There were hundreds of guitars. All acoustic and electric. Some were classic and some were downright odd looking. The ones that caught your attention were the odd shaped ones. I was always into unique things. Things that no one else would even think of. 

The one that caught my attention was this one that was sort of an odd looking symbol. I could have sworn you seen that symbol before. It was a deep purple. It was so bizarre looking that you decided you wanted that one. I asked a person to assist you so you could get it down from the wall. I held it in your hands as you got the feeling that this guitar chose me. 

"You are actually the first person who has requested that guitar Miss." The helper said.


That was odd. I was really the only one who actually wanted this guitar? It was so cool looking. People were crazy to settle with the ordinary and not mix it up a bit. I noticed there was a signature on the side of the guitar. It read "Prince"

My eyes widened as I knew I recognized this signature before! The person who designed this guitar and signed it was none other than the Prince of Funk! I could have melted, to think I was holding a guitar that he designed himself and that I was the first to actually want it.

I played the guitar on a chair as I admired how smooth it sounded. He truly handcrafted this instrument with TLC. That was obvious. I knew I had to have this guitar. I saved up all birthday money to buy a guitar that called to me and this was it. I quickly jumped up from my seat as I went to pay for it. Just when I went to pay for it something or someone caught my eye.

I heard the little bell of the door ring as someone walked inside. 

"Looks like someone actually bought it this time. So...who bought it?" I heard a voice.

This voice was a deep voice. I slowly turned my head and looked out of the corner of my eyes to see who's voice that belonged to.

"Oh we actually have the customer standing right there up at the counter. Would you like to meet her?"

I knew they were talking about me. I fully turned my head to see that it was none other than Prince himself! I saw his eyes met with mine as I saw that signature smirk of his creep onto his face. He eyed the guitar in my hands and then his beautiful eyes back at mine again. 

I quickly turned my head as I felt my heart fluttering to know I kept eye contact with him. I felt the sound of heels clicking against the floor. He was coming over here and very slowly. Every step he made just made me more nervous. What would I say? Would I be able to speak? That man is so intimating that his eyes could instantly put me in a trance. 

I saw his figure standing right next to me as his eyes was on me. I turned my head to see his smirk never left his face. His black curls framing his face and slim figure relatively close to mine.

"So you're the one who decided to buy my guitar? I didn't expect such a pretty face to choose such a distinct guitar." He said softly in that deep voice of his.

I only nodded as I couldn't speak. My heart was racing and my palms were getting sweaty. This man was even sexier in person. Those eyes and those long eyelashes. God, he was beautiful and he had to know it too. I watched his eyes slowly move down as I could tell he was checking me out and my body. 

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