“You’re such a kid!” she stomped her leg and turned around. He got up hearing that and pulled her arm and made her face him.

“Don’t call me a kid!” he said, his voice low and threatening but this did not scare Kathy. His angry young-man side had never scared her anyways. She laughed at him, making him glare harder. He took both her arms in his hands and pulled her closer.

“That voice is meant to scare people away…not to make one laugh.” He whispered and she looked at him in the eyes.

“You don’t scare me. You’ve never managed to scare me!” she said smiling. His grip on her arms loosened at that moment.

“Why? Everyone’s intimidated by me, why not you?” he asked.

“Do you want me to be scared of you?” she asked smiling.

“I guess, not!” he said leaving her arms completely.

“Let’s go inside, it’s really cold out here!” she said and pulled him inside.

“And wanted to go attend the campfire.” he mumbled.

“I heard that!” she said as sat down on the couch. “I still want to go there!” she said.

“So what made you talk to me again?” he asked her.

“I don’t know…maybe I felt bad!” she shrugged.

“Alright, I’m off to sleep! Bye” he said and walked towards the bed. She followed him and sat right where he was going to sleep.

“Do you mind?” he asked as he pulled up the comforter from the foot side of the bed.

“You’re not sleeping now.” She stated and crossed her arms across her chest and kept her foot intact on the comforter.

“Okay then, don’t blame me now!” he said, confusing her. He swiftly pulled the comforter from below her in such a way that it made her fall off the bed. She rubbed her bum in comforting way as she got up from the cold floor.

“That was really very mean Ronnie!” she said as she sat next to him.

“It’s always tit for tat. You were also being mean to me earlier.” he pointed and she huffed.

“Are you going to tell me why I’m locked up in this room with you?” she asked again.

“Didn’t that sound wrong? Even if you meant it that way, it’s not wrong to spend time with my wife, is it?” he smirked. Kathy’s face colored a bit from his comments.

“I-I meant, tell me what is it that you want to talk about?” she said, making sure that she did not repeat her earlier mistake. He laughed at her discomfort which made her give him a pointed look. He sighed as shook his head and cleared his throat.

“Actually, I-I wanted to talk to you.” He started. She nodded and signaled him to continue and he started again.

“Umm-I know, I act all mad whenever I see you with him but I-” he started but she cut him off from between.

“Is it about him? I don’t understand why you get so mad about him! It’s not like he’s interested in me or anything.” She said.

“Okay, maybe he is not…but you’re! You’re still into him and that troubles me. A lot, if I may add.” He cut her in.

“Why? Why does it bother you so much! I didn’t get angry or upset when you were with Vinnie!” she lied, making him grin as he remembered how angry she was back then.

“You didn’t get mad then?” he asked smiling. She got cautious and nodded.

“Of course I didn’t. Why will I get mad about such a small thing? You were only talking to one of my best friends, so how does that make me lose it?” she questioned him and he laughed at her.

Come...Fall In Love!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें