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Memphis's point of view:

I really wanted to hang out with Alice tonight. I wanted to get to know her when she wasn't putting on an act in front of me. I wanted to see how she acted with her friends and I wanted to get to know them too.

Oh what am I saying?

I hardly know the girl who is now legally my wife. I swore I would never love her or even try to love her because that would mean they win. More like he wins.

My father is always used to getting his way. He wanted me to get a wife so she could keep my head straight and help me figure out how to run the hospital more efficiently. My father always said a great man is only great if he has a smart woman. I always thought his saying was flawed. Women only help themselves but Alice, Alice is different.

I know she's only with me because of money which means she has no hidden agenda. It's all plain and simple. It also helps that she wasn't happy about the arrangement either.

I attempt to leave the hospital quickly before my father can complain about how I should start letting Alice work with me again. That's what our fights are usually about; her. Dad wants me to let her see how the hospital operates and to let her pitch in her concerns, but I don't want her interfering. Plus I don't want my father getting his way.

"Memphis!" My dad's stern voice pulls me into a halt. I refrain from rolling my eyes but take no effort in hiding how displeased I am. My phone buzzes in my pocket but I ignore it for the moment.

"What?" I'm surprised by how much colder my voice is than his.

"I want you to work with Alice. This is the whole reason I forced you into marriage. This is an order not a request." His wrinkle infested face scrunches up.

"Not gonna happen." I let my eyes roll and storm out into the comforting breeze of autumn.

I drive home feeling irritated and tired. This argument is always the same. We don't even talk about important things anymore, like our lives. Not that I'd want to, considering I'm angry about the situation he put Alice and I in. I sigh as I pull into the driveway. My phone starts ringing. I used to hate using my phone but I figured that I'd need it if Alice ever needed me in case of an emergency.

Sam's name pops up so I answer.


"Memphis, is Alice with you!" Sam yells through the phone she seems really worried.

"I just got home Sam, what's wrong!?!"

"Alice went in Nessa's house by herself and never came back. We've looked all over and her car is missing. She won't pick up her phone. She wouldn't just leave us here so something must be really wrong!" Sam sounds close to tears.

"I'm going inside now I'll call you when I find out what's going on." I hang up and run up the stairs. Alice's light is on.

I walk in and look around. There's a redish looking stain on her carpet. I kneel to get a closer look at it. It's blood.

"Alice!" I yell. The bathroom light is on so I rush inside.

Alice is sitting on the edge of the sink crying and clutching her arm. Her arm has streaks of red running down. The facet is running and it looks like Alice was trying to clean it.

"Alice?" I rush over to her but she finches at my touch. "What happened?" She doesn't look at me so I look at her arm instead. Up close it seems to have bits of glass in it. "We need to get you to the hospital now." I scoop her up in my arms without thinking. Alice still doesn't say anything. I place her in my car gently buckling the seat belt. Nothing. I drive. She says nothing. Her tears have stopped and she wipes off her cheeks with her good arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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