Chapter 2

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Kamilla's POV

I am at lunch talking with Kenna about shopping tomorrow, but I can't focus on her as I see that new kid glancing at me I wonder what's up with him?

"Kami have you heard a word I have said?" Getting knocked back to reality I give her a look that says 'sorry'. "Are you thinking about tonight? I know it's a big one for you. You could get a lot from this."

"No but now that you mention it I am a little nervous. I just hope everything goes okay, I have a bad feeling about it though."

"Girl you know you're going to win right? I mean you're a great driver and your car is really fast."

"Yeah I know I just have a bad feeling that something isn't going to go right."

"Then let me come just this once, you can't keep me out of it for forever I will find a way."

"NO! There's no coming I don't want to put you around those people. Most of the people there are bad and would do bad things to you. I have told you this countless times now, drop it before someone hears."

"Fine." She mumbled quietly.

"Look Kenna I'm sorry but I don't want to leave you alone when I am racing and you can't be in the car. You also can't bring someone because then my secret would be out."

"Wait I can't bring Max? He would protect me and he wouldn't let the secret slip."

"Fine whatever but you have to stay with him the whole time and you guys need to take his Aston Martin in case shit goes down so you can get out quick and don't have to find me for a ride. Meet me at my house 9 tonight and then you can follow me there." The bell rang and we headed toward sixth hour, MaKenna has gym and I have Physics. I really hope she does okay in there, they start dance soon and I know she loves to dance and all but ballet is different from what they do.

Max is in my Physics class so I just told him about tonight in there. He agreed to going and said he would protect Kenna with his life. I noticed the new kid looking at me when I was talking to Max but I just shook it off. I have to stop thinking about him and I know just how to do it.

After class I walked up to Xander and started talking to him. "Hey Xander." I say with a flirtatious wink, inside I was gagging and about ready to punch myself.

"Hey Kami." He says trying to sound seductive. It didn't sound like that though. "What's up?" Eyeing me up and down made me want to slap him so hard. I have to follow through with the plan he is friends with Jay and guys like Jay need to pay.

"Oh I was just wondering what you are doing today after school?" I say blinking and fake smiling. He looks like he wants some and I am not giving him any. Please let me get him to like me quickly so I can break his confidence and make him pay for all the girls he has fucked and dumped.

"I have practice today after school if you want to 'hangout'. I can do it at 6" Ewww, make him stop, and that's when new kid walks out of the room looking pissed and glaring at Xander. "Yeah sure, but lets meet at your house just text me the address." I say giving him a quick flirty wink then walked away. I am so going to break him down and make him feel pain.

Walking into last hour which I have with Kenna I see that new kid again. "What is his name?" I ask sitting down by Kenna. "I think I heard someone call him Adam, why?"

"I just have a lot of classes with him and I sometimes see him stare at me. It's kind of creepy."

"Do you want me to tell him to stop being a creep?"

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