My Awkward Love Story - Chapter 2

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*Chapter 1*

*Senior Year (1 year before)*

"Watch it brat!" a random freshman yelled at me as her group of friends laughed at me. I just shrinked passed them, making my way to my locker. Have I become really that unpopular that even they, a bunch of freshmen, pick on me, a senior? I arrive at my locker only to see it written on. Words like dumbass, stupid, fat, ugly, and worthless don't hurt me anymore, but inside I die a little inside whenever they are written on my locker. It's like those words are my reflection. It is always staring straight back at you, showing the truth.

I open my locker, grab some Lysol wipes, and start cleaning all the words. 5 minutes later, the bell rings for lunch. I still have 4 more words to go when someone places their hands over my eyes. Only one person does that, my best friend Cole.

"Guess who it is?" he asks in the most fake girlish voice.

"Hmmm.......Obama?!" I said sarcastically.


"Taylor Swift?!"


"SCOOBY-DOO!!!" I ginned knowing I'm probably pissing him off.

"NO!" he says angrily and disappointingly.

"I know. I'm just kidding, hey Cole," I said grinning, as he took his eyes off. I turned to look at him.

"Hey Jenni." He smiles back and pulls me into a hug. I swear I never get tired of his scent. Peppermint and Cinnamon, which happen to be my favorite scents. Ironic, right? His hair was brown, combed to the side, and straight. He has a bad boy image, but he really is a total softy on the inside. I love him so much... as a friend of course.

"How's it going?" I asked him.

"I should ask you the same thing, but I think I have a feeling on what it is." He says, motioning to my name-filled locker.

"Yep, but I'm used to it. So, it doesn't bother me." Oops, I shouldn't have said that. Now he's extremely pissed. His face is really red; he looks like the devil's son. Hmm, maybe he is. He has anger management problems, so he can easily get angry. Maybe that's why he doesn't let anyone see his body. Sometimes, I wonder.

"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU BE FINE WHEN A COUPLE OF PRICKS COME AND WRITE ON YOUR LOCKER WORDS LIKE 'WHORE' AND 'SLUT' WHEN IT'S THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF YOU!!!" he yells, breaking my thoughts. He was always over-protective of me. We grew up together ever since we were in diapers. He's always been my best friend, so it's natural that we worry about each other. I've been over-protective of him sometimes. For example, when he was dating all those hookers and sluts. No, really, they practically have sex with the teachers so they can get a passing grade.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THIS. I SHOULD GIVE WHOEVER'S DOING THIS A BRUTAL BEATING WITH MY NEW LOUIEVILLE SLUGGER! I JUST SOMETIMES WANT TO--" Before he can finish, I hug him and kiss his cheek. For some weird reason, that always seem to calm him down instantly.

"Relax." I say in his neck. "It's nothing to worry about. If they take it too far, then you have the permission to mess up your new Louieville slugger so you can by a new one." I tell him reassuringly.

"Ok, I guess. But please, I just don't want anything to happen to you. You know I don't like the word 'if' when it comes out of your mouth in this particular situation." He says. I smile.

"Nothing's going to happen. Trust me. But there is a plus side, you're starting to learn more vocabulary!" I say, referring to the word 'brutal.' He always had a trouble in words because he's dyslexic.

"Yeah, thanks to you." I blush.

"It's nothing, really." I say. I finally finish cleaning all the words.

"Come on. We still have 45 minutes for lunch, lets head out." he says. I look at him. Then we both scream "Taco Bell! Race ya to the car!"

I start running as fast as I've ever. I know it'll kill me later, but it's worth it. See, whoever loses the race to the car, they have to pay ice cream after we eat. And let me tell you, we eat a lot of ice cream. We were both neck to neck before I speed up. The thing no one knows about me, besides Cole, is that I was in track, cross-country, and I'm an inspiring singer; so, I have amazing stamina, I am really fast, and I have lungs of a singer. In other words, there is no way in hell am I going to lose.

Not unless I bump into someone...

And that someone is Jay, the most popular, hottest, and most wanted guy ever in this school. All girls worship the ground he walks on. Now, I'm not that desperate, but I do have a crush on him, so imagine how I felt when I landed on my ass in front of him: embarrassed.

"Watch where you going, slut!" He yells. I was about to cry, but Cole stepped in.

"Why don't you just watch your mouth, jackass!" Cole yells. I turn around and send him a grateful look.

"Defending your girlfriend, are we now?" he mocks.

"You're just jealous that she's smart and beautiful, unlike those fake, rejected barbies you screw." Cole defends. Jay just glare and walks away. We walk the rest of the way to the car. I enter the car first and he gets in later than me.

"I'm sorry about that. I know how much you like him." He says.

"Yeah, well you can't help who you fall for." I say. I swore I heard him mutter 'No kidding' but I could be wrong, so I drop it. "Besides, I got in the car first, so you have to pay." I say smugly.

"Firetruck." He says while I laugh. Yeah, I love this guy so much... as a friend of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2012 ⏰

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