Chapter 6

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The room is dimly lit and the blinds on the opposite side of the room are only half drawn. The bed is on the right side of the room, perfectly placed in the middle of the wall. He is silent and has the sheets pulled up so they are tucked under his arms. I can just see the beautiful mop of browny blonde hair atop his head as he faces the window, watching the cars speed down the street below. I glance at Harry, who nods and nudges me further into the room.

"Niall?" I choke, for what feels like the hundredth time today. His head snaps up and I watch as he struggles to turn around and sit up on the bed so he can face me. He doesn’t look injured at all from back here, which made me wonder as to why he was kept in hospital overnight, but I know better than to bombard him with questions within the first minute of seeing him in three months.

"Liz? Y-you're here," he breathes in the beautiful Irish accent of his. "c-come over h-here." he smiles at me, his eyes sparkling. He extends his arms for me to run into like I had planned on doing when he was supposed to walk through our front door, which won't be happening for a while now. Niall has a cast on his right wrist but I don’t mention it as I expected his injuries to be worse, or more noticeable at least. I sit on the edge of the hospital bed, next to where his thighs are situated. I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly before kissing his all too familiar lips and nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. "I missed you s-so much, m-my beautiful girl." he says into my hair. I sit up and look into his sparkling blue orbs, keeping my hands wrapped around his neck while running my hands through his hair.

"I missed you more, Niall. I was so worried." I tell him and his smile remains evident on his face but the sparkle in his eyes begin to flicker.

"I d-don’t l-like it when you w-worry." he frowns and opens his mouth to say something else but closes it again when I begin to talk.

"Niall. I didn't know what happened at all until 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. I was waiting for you to walk through the front door but you never came home so I panicked and then Harry called and I didn’t know what to do because I just wanted you to be at home with me." I rush, finding myself breathing in heavily afterwards. He moves his fingers from my sides to my jawline, running his fingers along my face as he speaks.

"Why did y-you have to do s-something?"

"Well, I didn't really but I, nevermind."

"Liz." he pushes, his tone stern but kind as always.

"I didn't think you'd. uhm. I didn't know if you'd remember me." I admit and look at my lap, slowly beginning to remove my hands from Niall's hair in attempt to bring them to my lap so I could fiddle with the rings on my fingers. Something I have a habit of doing. Before I am able to, he grabs my wrists and brings them back to where they were before. A small smile appears on my face when he does this because I know how much he loves it when I play with his hair. This reminds me that he hasn't changed in the three months I haven't seen him. He keeps his hands over mine while I play with his hair and he softly caresses my skin with his fingertips.

"Why wou-wouldn't I r-remember you?" he asks, confusion clear on his features.

"I heard that the crash did some massive damage and I don’t know, I thought because you had first class you would've been right at the front of the plane when it ran into the garage and it would have given you brain damage or something." I sigh "You know how I always expect the worst." he gulps quickly but covers it up by pretending to chuckle and nodding in agreement. "Why are you even in here anyway? You look perfectly normal." Now that I'm closer to him I can see some stitches in his eyebrow and a few bruises here and there as well as the cast on his wrist but other than that he looks fine. I see a wave of emotion flash in his eyes for a second, but it disappears before I have time to see what the emotion is.

"I-is Harry h-here?" he asks me and I frown at his sudden change of subject but nod and plant a kiss on his forehead before going to retrieve Harry from the hallway.

I open the door to find Harry sitting on the chair straight across from the door. He looks up at me with confused eyes, obviously thinking that Niall would've wanted more time alone with me. That's what I thought too, but it looks like we were both wrong.

"He asked for you," I inform Harry and he frowns but I close the door behind me and keep talking. "he's not telling me why they've kept him in the hospital. And he's stuttering, which he never does and i dont know why. "I didn't know it was possible, but his eyebrows seem to almost join because of how much he was frowning at my words. "I'm kind of worried, Harry." I tell him.

"I'll see what's up." he assures me and squeezes my shoulders before walking through the door and closing it again after he has entered the room.

I take a seat where Harry was previously situated and I find my eyelids suddenly become heavy, but I wont allow myself to fall asleep, I've been doing that too much lately.


I enter Niall's hospital room and he's sitting up in his bed. No emotion at all evident on his face.

"Hey, bro. You alright?" I ask him, giving him a quick hug and sitting on the chair next to the bed. He just nods in response. He could've at least been more genuine if he wanted to keep something from me. He's clearly not alright. If he was alright he would have

Greeted me as I came in Already be at least smiling, if not laughing. And He wouldn't have kicked his girlfriend out. I would have had to come in here and pull them away from each other if he was alright. But he's not and I need to find out why.

"Niall. I know you're not okay. I know you well enough to know that something is up, so what is it?"

"I need to break up with Liz." he whimpers.

Hellooooooooooo! Did you like this chapter? A bit of a cliffhanger, i know but that's what makes people want to read more, right? That's what i'm trying to do hahah.

The last chapter only got one vote and one comment from my lovely friend Victoria, so i decided to dedicate this chapter to her because she's amazing and pretty much the only one showing interest in this book.

Pleaaaaseee comment guys! it means a lot to me.

Thank you for reading and i hope you come back to read the rest of the book :)


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