chptr 2

8 3 3

hallo eym lucy an dis iz a buk abut mi advenchurs !111!211!


'okeh luek we med it!1!!1@@12@!!#!!1!' i dey frum eggzauschon

'luUUUUuUuUUuuuuUUUuUUUuuUcY' luek cris

'i lov yoo' luek stabz himsef & deys

//2 dais l8r

'oh' adom seez ded bodeez & pewks

'adOm!!21!!!1 don pewk!!2' izibelz cris

'nuu eym oke don cri' adom comfot izibelz

adom hogz izibelz n den izibelz folz azlep

'ao hao kayoot' adom smeylz

'grr' izibelz angrri in hrr slep

'aaaa' adom is SKURD an pooz

'hehe' izibelz lafs bcoz it iz ol purreeten

'b0o' izibelz skurdz adom

'aAAAAaAAa' adom skrichez

'hehahehahehaheha' izibelz deys frm laftrr

'nooOOoooOOOOo mor ded pplz' adom pewks agen

'jk!1!!11!! eym aleyv don wori' izibelz geeglz

adom cris bc he lovz izibelz 2 much & he thoot she wuz DED

'y r u so meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen >:-(' adom is angrri

'eym sori i lov u' izibelz hogz adom & pat pat his flo0fi hurr

adom trrnz in2 dusst bcoz izibelz hog 2 HARD

izibelz pat pat da dusst den it stiks 2 hrr han bcoz SWET SWET

izibelz den lix han & lovz adom fr0m da inseyd n owt

adom den weks up fr0m hiz werd drem & scremz

izibelz weks up fr0m hrr own drem wer adomz pointi peeni slipd in2 hrr hoo ha

izibelz geeglz n goz bak 2 slep bcoz she lovd hrr drem SO MuuCh

adom cris but hogz izibelz n felz betr

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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