Chapter 1: The Return

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Sorry for any mistakes! And I hope you enjoy.

'Kaylin, Red, breakfast is ready!' Serena shouted as she set a plated down on the table. Serena began to wash the dishes and heard footsteps running down the stares. Kaylin emerged into the dining hall eagerly to begin eating. 'Yes! My favourite!' Kaylin squealed and started to munch down on her breakfast.

Serena smiled as she watched Kaylin eat. Serena looked at her watch, the time read; 7:45 am. 'Where is your brother?' Serena asked looking at Kaylin. However the young 14 year old girl shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat. 'Helpful aren't you.. after you finish get ready we are going to get late for school!' Serena said patting Kaylin's head. 'Okay mom!' Kaylin giggled.

Serena left the kitchen and headed up the stairs towards Red's bedroom. She knocked twice but got no response. She then opened the door and saw a young boy with black hair sleeping with silent snores escaping his mouth. 'He reminds me a lot like Ash' Serena sighed. She grabbed his bottle and poured droplets onto his face, causing him to stir and sit up with a bolt.

'Can you not pour water please!' Red said angrily. 'Then get your lazy bum off that bed and get ready, you have school' Serena said sternly. 'What about dad, he still in bed?' Red said with a hint of anger. Serena recognised it and sat down next to him. 'Honey, what's wrong?' Serena asked in a sweet tone. 'Nothing, it's nothing' Red said looking away from Serena. 'Come on Red tell me' Serena said grabbing the boys hand. 'Dad.. he always keeps to himself. And I don't like it' Red revealed looking at Serena. Serena didn't respond as lately Ash has been acting strange and secretive.

'Then try and talk to him, try and sort it out, kay? Now get ready breakfast is on the table!' Serena said holding his chin. Red smiled and hugged Serena, 'thanks mom' he gave a toothy grin. Serena withdrew smiling back at him before going back downstairs.

Kaylin was already at the door with her shoes and hat on. 'Come on Mom, let's go school!' Kaylin said eagerly. 'Woah calm down, we have to wait for Red' Serena replied heading back into the kitchen to finish off with the washing. However she didn't notice Red coming down and instantly finishing his breakfast, 'Mom let's go, I want to choose my starter as well!' Red said with an air of excitement.

'Alright, alright let me grab my jacket and we'll start going' Serena said. She grabbed her pink winter coat and wore boots, as the setting was the start of December and the weather in Pallet had been snowy. 'Alright kids let's go!' Serena said. The trio exited the house before meeting up with Drew and May, who were taking their daughter, Rose to school as well.

'Morning guys!' Serena said walking up to the other family. 'Ah Serena good to see you!' May said and the two girls embraced in a hug. 'Uncle Drew!' Kaylin and Red exclaimed. Kaylin gave him a hug as Red done a handshake. 'Have you seen the others?' Serena asked.

'No, Dawn took her son early. Misty had a battle in Cerulean Gym and Shauna also went early with Selene' May said. 'Hey where's Ash?' Drew asked. 'He went early in the morning to train, so he should be back by the time we come back' Serena said, she then looked at her watch and realised they were behind schedule.

'Oh no, we might get late at this rate!' Rose said, who was a brown haired 14 year old girl, close friends with Kaylin. 'Let's fly then, Serena do you have a flying type?' May asked. 'Yeah Ash normally leaves his Charizard with me' Serena replied.

After a few minutes the two families got onto their respective flying types and flew of the Viridian City.


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