Tom nodded when she trailed off. He wasn't sure where this conversation was going, but he had an idea.

Ava glanced up at Tom, catching his gaze. He waved her on to continue. "I was wondering if you would like to go along as well." At seeing Tom furrow his brows in confusion, Ava was quick to explain. "As long as we get permission of course. I already spoke to my mother and she said it shouldn't be an issue."

Tom sat in thought, not knowing what to say. Obviously, he wouldn't mind getting out of the house. However, he didn't want to deal with the hassle of actually getting permission to leave. I need to have permission to leave the house, even without having my magic. I am not some bloody prisoner. Deciding to take the chance, Tom gave Ava a resolute nod.

Ava looked at him hopefully, "you'll go?"

Nodding again, Tom watched as the sparkle returned to her eyes. He didn't understand why she was so excited. On the other hand, he found himself reveling in the fact that he caused that sparkle. He made her happy.

How unusual. Never mind, as long as I can get away from this house for a day..


"Where are you planning to go, exactly?" Gwen asked later that day when Ava told her of the day trip.

Ava shrugged. "I was thinking somewhere close to here, but still..away." She sat on top of the counter she was previously leaning against. "Like Brighton or something."

Gwen stopped her letter writing to look at Ava in question, "Brighton?" Ava gave a nod in reply. "Why Brighton?"

"Well it's not a common place many go really," Ava said. She looked out the kitchen window near her while continuing their conversation, "besides, it's a lovely little place; quiet. It's the perfect place for a day trip."

Gwen returned to the letter she was working on, "I suppose places such as London lose its appeal after a while."With one last word on the paper, Gwen folded the letter and wrote a name on the other side-Carmine-then placed it on the table. "Alright, well I'll send this to your father and see what he can do about your one travel companion."

Ava sighed, "Do you think they'll let him leave?"

Gwen paused. "I can't say for sure. I believe you might have an extra person join you if anything."

"You mean a supervisor," Ava said without looking away from the window.


"I know." Ava looked at Gwen who was watching her. "It's just frustrating."

Gwen stood up and hugged her daughter to her side. "I understand. You want it to be a fun trip, but it's hard to have fun when you have someone watching you."

Ava shook her head. "Not only that. Tom doesn't have his magic, what could he do?"

"It's a precaution. They still view him as unpredictable, dangerous even." Gwen tucked a piece of hair behind Ava's ear, "I'm sure you'll hardly notice them there."

Ava gave a half shrug, "maybe."

"I'll send off the letter. Your father should give you an answer by tonight if you plan on going tomorrow." Gwen pulled Ava tighter against her side, giving her an affectionate squeeze. "Don't worry, everything will work out." With that Gwen grabbed the letter to send it off to Carmine. Ava sat in the kitchen for a few more minutes before going to her room.


The next morning Ava was sitting anxiously waiting for the fourth member of their party to arrive. Her father said the man joining them was an auror of some sort and is a friendly person. Yet, Ava was still apprehensive about having him go along, primarily for Tom's sake. Tom was leaning against the wall across from where Ava was standing. He was watching Lizzie twirl around impatiently, excited to leave. While he looked relaxed, Ava could see his jaw clenched and shoulders tensed. He was even more uncomfortable about having someone from the Ministry watching them. It was going to be a long day.

She Saved Me | Tom RiddleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ