You Are So Beautiful

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You are so beautiful to me...


You are also beautiful...

But your beauty is much deeper than any visually stimulated sensation...

Every time that I think of you my image of the world becomes a better place...

When I hear your voice my heart lightens...

Conversing with you refreshes my soul...

Your view of the things gives me an alternative to the bleak and staunch impression that I typically have existed with for years...

Always finding solutions that are equitably...

You are everything that I have dreamed of and ever wanted...

You are one of my best friends...

When I am with you there is no better time to be had...

My love for you grows with my every breath...

You may just be the most beautiful person that I have ever met...

You are beautiful....

Yes, indeed!!!

But you are so beautiful to me...

You Are So Beautiful©

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