Just one note (Justin Bieber fan fiction)

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All it takes is one note. One chord, one strum, one word to start a whole career of dreams or failure. Or in my case... One note to see the only guy I've ever cared about completely forget about me.

It started out with YouTube videos, then competitions, concerts and led up to making albums and signing record deals. It's amazing how fast things can happen. One day it seemed like any other. We were holding hands in the dark watching a movie. And the next... I was watching his movie alone. So I guess you all know Justin, but do you really know who he was to me?

"Mrs. Bieber. I think it has a nice ring to it." I was walking down the hall with my best friend Rachel. "Your delusional. You haven't been together for even a week and your acting as if you love the guy." She paused and looked at me. "What?" I said. "He's a player. Your just another piece in his games. I just don't want to see you get hurt," she didn't look in my eyes. I couldn't believe it. It's been 6 days since me and Justin started dating. He asked me while performing a song during the spring formal. I swear it was the sweetest thing. But Rachel has never been on my side. Especially when it came to my love life. Her motto is fly single. But I'm not stupid. If the hottest guy in school asked me out, what am I supposed to say? The term 'sorry I'm marrying my best friend' has it's limits. I walked forward and took out my cell. One missed text. I flipped it open and saw

"As long as you love me I swear I'll be the guy who fights every second of the day for your dreams <3"

Rachel peered over my shoulder and sighed while reading the text. "Wonder how many other girls got that text," she mumbled. I couldn't care less about what she said. I tucked my cell phone away and walked into class. Those words were stuck in my mind as I sat down and took out my note book. I felt my face go red as I felt his arms wrap around my neck and his lips kiss my forehead as he slowly whispered in a quiet tone "Morning, did you get my text?" I giggled as he sat down next to me while I said "ya and I loved every word." I blew my bangs out of my face. "Good," he said, "I wanted to impress you." He leaned over and with his lips almost touching my ear, whispered so lightly, "I'm your biggest fan." And before I could respond the teacher walked in. Justin pulled away but the feeling of the blood rushing in my face never left. The teacher did attendance and when he called "Justin Beiber" I swear all I could think about was how perfect his last name sounded with my first one.

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