Scott, chapter one

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Scott was sitting on the back if his fathers old, rusty, run down pick up truck with Al looking at the stars.

Also, by Al he means his SISTER Alberta, not the lover boy Ale-....Aleh-?....jalapeño?, anyway it doesn't matter. He wouldn't be caught dead with him.

Alberta was yapping to him about all the trouble she's caused around the neighbourhood while he wad gone.

He wasn't REALLY paying attention to what she's saying, he never does.

But it's not like mama or pappy will listen to what she has to say, might as well make her FEEL like she is loved.

Scott is the only child in his family that his parents pay attention too, His pappy only likes him because he is the only son he has, his mama likes him because he'll carry on his families legacy...?

He doesn't know what legacy means but it has to be important.

He feels terrible after his time on Total drama, it made him realize something important.

He has no friends, no one at his school likes him, his parents don't really care about him, Courtney probably hates him and Alberta is probably scheming up a way to get rid of him.

Pappy doesn't care 'bout Alberta, he says she is just good at cooking and cleaning.

Mama says that she has to be a lady and cater to every mans order, dress to impress and churn butter.

Scott feels bad for his sister, but he just doesn't really care THAT much.

But lately one thing has been bothering him, and that one thing was Courtney.

'Did she escape the balloons?' Scott ponders as he gazes at the constellations.

 Before he met Courtney he did not even know what the word constellation meant.

Until one night after a challenge, he sat outside the Villainous Vultures cabin for the night; carving a piece of wood.

Until Miss.CIT Courtney came out and sat down outside the Heroic Hamsters cabin for the night.

She glanced at Scott and sat down in front of him and said "the stars sure are pretty tonight..".

At this moment Scott realized she was in her PJ's, it came to him that she was probably half asleep because; this is Courtney! She isn't THIS nice with people!

A few minutes later Courtney broke the silence by saying "what's your favourite constellation?".

"Conste- ...Whaat?" he replied.

Courtney giggled at his reaction "Stupid Scott! Constellations! It when stars in the sky make up images!" she mumbled quietly, but sternly. She may be half asleep but this IS Courtney. She ALWAYS has to make sure people know what she is talking about.

A little bit later Courtney was telling Scott about all the constellations and stars in the sky, then without warning; stood up and walked back to her cabin.

 But that was then and this is now, Courtney isn't here right now.

Courtney might not be ALIVE right now.

Besides, its not like she go back to that 'pastel punk' Duncan.

His parents got a lawyer for him and re-opened the case of Chris's ' Cottage ' and surprisingly won.

Apparently all that MPD business with Mike was F-A-K-E, it was all a cry for attention.

Apparently he has more SEVERE mental problems and has gone to a mental home.

Shortly after Zoey found out, she broke up with him, after awhile Zoey met up with Duncan again and they hit it off right away.

The only thing truly bothering him is that, Mike is the reason him and Courtney have broken up.

That pisses him off like there is no tommorow

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