Chapter 14: satellite

Start from the beginning

"That planet was my home," Libba interrupted. "And if there's a chance they sent another ship, shouldn't we want to know about it? They have different technology, more people. We're not trying to be difficult, but you're worried about the earthstorms, yes? We had similar storms there and it took us a hundred years to track them. We could benefit from that information."

"If getting the information doesn't kill us first," Austen grumbled and abruptly left the room.

Matisse let out a sigh, leaning against the desk. Libba peered at the holos, as if hoping progress had been made in the last couple minutes. Cameron smiled at how well Libba fit in here. She kept her hair out of her face with a short cap and she had designed a couple shirts that merged Earth and base styles. She was wearing one of these now, with zigzag blue stripes.

"I messaged Austen with a question about the satellite signal, and then this happened," Matisse explained. "I should have never asked. I didn't know that we were causing interference! And I would have never started this in an earthstorm if they had said something. Communications isn't very communicative; they think they are the only ones qualified to run tekcom. And that, Cameron, is asinine. Sorry for calling you in early."

"I would rather be here than find out about it later," she answered. "One of the departments here should be transparent. Libba, could you message Dashiell? I know what he's going to say, but we really should put it to a vote."

"I think we should get a second opinion," Matisse suggested. "Ask someone else in the comm bay if we are truly causing a problem."

"You think she's making it up?" Libba questioned, glancing up from her holo-rib.

He shrugged. "I do. Austen hates Cameron."

Cameron rolled her shoulders and yawned. She had hurried from her berth when Libba had messaged her, but her stomach was doing turns again and now she was lightheaded and nauseous.

Libba touched her arm, bringing her back to the present.

"Morning sickness?" she asked.

"Unfortunately," Cameron replied, attempting a smile.

"You look really pale," Libba agreed. "Go to the medical bay, see Harper. I'll make sure Dashiell sets this meeting before lunch. Talk to Madison and get an appointment set. We need you, but not so badly that you can't take care of yourself. Go on."

Cameron didn't feel well enough to protest and so navigated the base to the medical bay. She didn't immediately see Madison, and so checked on Harper first. He gave her a wide smile as she approached, taking her hand in his and kissing it.

"Hey babe," he said. "Madison says she'll release me tomorrow."

"Really?" Cameron said doubtfully.

"I have to stay home and promise not do anything, but oui, she thinks that I'll sleep better there. We're just waiting for my wheelchair to be printed. I have to keep my leg stretched out so it can heal." He sighed, leaning his head back on the pillow. "I don't care so long as I can get out of here. Lully has already given me a program to build, so I'll have something to do. He's coming by later to talk about it."

"That's good," she smiled. "How long will you be in the wheelchair?"

"No idea. Madison thinks I'm healing so slowly because I just got out of cryo, but no more than a cycle or two. I'm going to talk to Edison about being transferred to communications. I won't be able to lift or carry anything for quite some time."

"True," she admitted, smoothing Harper's hair out of his face.

"Hello Cameron!" Madison called, walking into the room. "I see that we're calling a congress meeting."

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