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Jumin worked hard to ensure everything looked normal for Zen's arrival - his maids didn't know his secrets so they couldn't do it for him.

The bones of the deceased, shoved in a bin bag as though they were trash;

The blood of his victims pored down the drain as though is was waste;

The strings binding the souls of the dead stuffed in his underwear drawer as though they meant nothing;

And MC's lifeless body places inside a wardrobe almost impossible to open.

He really didn't want to live this way; he knew it was wrong, but, it really wasn't his choice.

"Mr Han!" A frail tone shouted.
"You have a visitor! And he's quite handsome too!"
Jumin stormed down the stairs in fury, his eyes turning the colour of Zen's, his teeth protruding from their original place, grabbing the old maid by the collar. "Don't you dare talk about him that way! He is a man and nothing else! Do you understand?"
Jumin released her after noticing what had happened to him. "My apologies. Expect a pay rise. Carry on."

I'm getting worse.

"Jumin opened the grand door, expecting some kind of verbal abuse from the actor.
"Where do you think MC could have gone?" He grunted through breaths. "Uh.."
Jumin lit up for once. It wasn't the best situation, lying to the one you loved, but at least there were no insults hurtling in his direction. He knew his fragile heart would be shattered into a million pieces in a matter of days. He was already working on making evidence to prove that MC died in an accident that wasn't related to him.

"Sit down. There's a couch in the room upstairs.

The room in which I killed MC.

Jumin watched as Zen sat in the exact spot where she died. If only he knew...

"I think that maybe she's run away. She did mention another man, her ex boyfriend."
"Why didn't I hear anything about this ex of hers?"
"Because she didn't choose you, Zen."
Zen's eyes began to tear up.
"I know that, idiot."
"I'm sorry Zen, I-"
"Just help me find her."
Jumin knew exactly where to start.

Suspects, that'll throw him off my tail.

"So, about her previous boyfriend..."
"Jumin I know there's more to it than just him. Tell me the whole truth!"
"I looked into him and he was accused of molesting a large number of people."
"He was however proved innocent of the claims and I believe its because his lawyer was Hee Young Han*. She is well known for being a well respected lawyer who has never lost a case."
"Hee Young Han... Is she related to you?"
There was no one with that name that Jumin knew of, he wasn't even sure if she existed.
"I think so. There is a famous lawyer in my family. My aunt, but I never speak to her."
"How did you find all of this information in such little time?"
"I used all the time I was waiting for you; you're late by the way."
"Just have your people look into it, I need to go to a rehearsal."

Zen rushed out of the house, and glared back at Jumin before saying:
"Find her."

Jumin was already giving a lot of money to the Mafia to make it look as though the death had nothing to do with him; and now he had to get a fake testimony from a fake lawyer saying that some fake man was a molester.

Its all for Zen.

Only a couple of minutes had passed by before Jumin had completely cleared his tracks, assuring that Zen would be fooled in the meantime. Everything felt so weird.

Is this all it takes to get him to notice me? At least maybe now I'll have an excuse to talk to him.

Jumin's mind skipped back and forth between two thoughts all day; Zen and blood. Zen was soon going to figure out why his hands were constantly trembling with the fear of his victims, and Jumin was going to faint without at least a drop of blood remaining from MC's

*according to the Internet, Hee Young means Eternal, beauty and prosperity. There are no intentional links to real life people and I'm sorry if this name isn't actually Korean or if its offensive for whatever reason.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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