#2 Skewl

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Spice boi was not exactly the most fit and active kid. He spent most of his hours listening to Britney Spears and praying to misha and all of the other vegan gods. By the time he arrived to school he looked like a sweaty spawn of Satan. He was catching his breath when he saw a shadow cast over him. He turned around to see what it was but nothing was there. Then he heard a rustle from the bushes in the school garden. He decided to ignore it because he was going to be late for class.

"You're late you useless turd blossom."That was the first thing his young home room teacher said to him. "Sorry that I'm not early I'm not like your male pattern baldness." Spice boi replied. The teacher started tearing up as he realized how fast his hairline was receding. The class didn't laugh even though it was a crispy come back, nobody ever laughed at spice boi they just gave him weird looks as if they weren't impressed. Spice boi walked to his desk which was collecting dust in the back of the classroom. He sat down and started taking his binder and books out of his worn out back pack.

He smiled when he looked at his my little pony pencil case, it was the last thing his dad gave to him before he passed away. It was the only thing he had to remember him, he had no pictures of his dad or good memories. The reason why he loved his dad so much was because his dad was never mean to him. There was no way his dad could be mean to him if he wasn't there. When spice boi was born his dad left him and his mother, he only saw his dad once in the hospital before he died. He handed him that pencil case as he breathed his final breaths. Spice boi was used to people being rude to him because everyone was. He didn't know why, so he just lived with it. "Turn to page 49 that's for homework due tomorrow" spice boi sighed and pulled out his math text book and turned to page 49. There was a sticky note on the top right corner. It read "meet meh at le gardene eftar skewl" in bright green ink.

Dat boi saves spice boi gone wrongHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin