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I had no idea what was going on during the brain scan. My mom was sitting next to me when I woke up, with someone else next to her that I recognized but it wasn't my doctor, family or friends. That's girl sat on the edge of my bed when I was still waking up. She came all this way for me. We haven't even met yet. We talk all the time. She just sat there looking at me. I babbled a little but nothing came out. The girl laughed.
"It's ok. You don't have to talk." She laughed.
"I'm gonna read you one of my favorite scripts. With drawings by myself, Addie, Diego, Jack, Maya and special guest Audrey." She explained looking up at me.
It doesn't really click into my head that it's her until she finished reading. It took her about an hour to finish. By the time she finished I fell asleep again.
I heard faint whispering while I was sleeping. I didn't know what it was.  A doctor came in and shock me awake.
"We gotta change your bag. Maybe you'll feel a little bit getter after this." The doctor said. The girl was still standing there. IT WAS KIRA! She came and held my hand while they were changing the needle and bag on my IV. I cried a little bit because I was in pain. My mom walked back in the room.
"So I see you met my new bestie." She laughed.
"Jillyyyyyyyy." Kara screamed.
"Someone missed you a lot." Kira picked up Kara.
"But Kira and Kiki and Britt have been playing with me." Kara said trying to hug me.
Kiki and Britt jumped out from behind the door.
"We thought you would want some friend to hang out with you." My mom smiled.
"I love you guys." I reached over and hugged Kira.(or at least tried) The Doctor pressed the bag that was in my arm. I cringed and started to cry again.
"It's ok. It's done." Kira calmed me down. I practically jumped into her arms. "I know you don't like that."
After that I feel a lot better. I was able to get out of bed and go downstairs with Kira to get food. Obviously I had to go in a wheel chair with my IV. Of course these last few months have been full of surprises and when we got downstairs Dove, Audrey, Victoria, Jessica, Shelby and Sabine were all waiting for me to come downstairs. I was so surprised. I didn't expect that.
"Your mom and I have been planning this forever." Kira laughed looking down at me. I never smiled so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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