A Romeo and Juliet Love ( A Princeton Love Story)

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Sapphire: OMG OMG OMG!!!! *jumps up and down*

Jade: *her sister* What?

Sapphire: oksoiwasontwitterandmindlessbehaviorishavinga(GCO)

Jade: whoa whoa whoa, take a breath and slow down

Sapphire: *takes a breath and calms herself* So I was on Twitter and you know how i follow Princeton on like everything he does? well, yea so he said MB was having a Mrs. Right contest, and the winner gets to go on Tour with them for a whole mother freaking year!!

Jade: and let me guess. You're going on Tour with them for a whole mother freaking year? *smiles*

Sapphire: well, i don't know, the contest starts in a little bit.

Jade: what do you have to do?

Sapphire: so they're going to start in at 7 and like all of they're fans are going to tweet them, and each of them will choose someone, and then after 15 mins. passes they're going to go on Ustream and announce the winner.

Jade: wow, so umm, it's like 6:55 now, and it's my turn on the computer at 7.

Sapphire: *thinking about they're computer schedule* Jade Please Please PLEASE let me get on for 20 mins.

Jade: the contest only lasts for 15 mins.

Sapphire:but i gotta watch the Ustream video to find out if they choose me.

Jade: *sighs* i guess, but i'm only doing this because if you win, then no more you for a year *smiles*

Sapphire: thanks, and you'll miss me, there won't be enough crazy in your life. *smiles*

Jade: go get on the computer fool!

Sapphire: *its 6:59 so she's ready for it to turn. . . 7!!*

*she starts tweeting @PrincetonMB chose me repeatedly for 15 mins without stopping*

Jade: you know what wouldd be bad?

Sapphire: *still tweeting* what?

Jade: if you went to Twitter Jail

Sapphire: *stops typing* SH*T!!

Jade: you went to Twitter Jail didn't you?

Sapphire: yes *upset* well, the contest is over anyways *logs into Ustream*

MB on Ustream: What's up y'all?

Prodigy: it's your boy Prod

RayRay: your boy RayRay

Roc: Your Boy Roc

Princeton: and Princeton

Prodigy: now you girls been tweeting nonstop for 15 mins straight, and we gotta be honest, we chose our winners 5 mins into the contest. So my winner is, and i'm reading twitter names, is @JaniyahNicole.

Roc: my winner is @MindlesslilHarmony

RayRay: my winner is @iheartRayRay4ever

Princeton: and last but not least my winner is @Breanna143

Sapphire: dammit!!

jade: i'm sorry sis.

Sapphire: *gets up from the computer and lays in bed*

Jade: *watches the rest of the video*

Prodigy: ok so we all followed you all back so we'll DM you the info and stuff, but you only have 2 hours to reply, or we're picking someone else

MB: peace y'all! *ends it*

Sapphire: *gets up* can i tweet comething real fast?

Jade: yea, *moves out the way*

Sapphire: *tweet* so sad that @PrincetonMB didn't pick me ): well, i'm off, gonna try to install Tweetcaster on my phone. *gets up* Jade i'm done

Jade: ok

Sapphire: *goes upstairs to her room and succesfully installs Tweetcaster on her phone*

Monica: (Sapphire's Mom) *walks in Sapphire's room* Dinner is ready

Sapphire: ok *goes downstairs to the kitchen and sits down to eat*

Kj: (Sapphire's older Brother) *looks at Sapphire* what's wrong with you Sapphire?

Sapphire: nothing *finishes eating and goes into her room*

Jade: *walks into her room* Sapphire it's not the end of the world. you're still going to the concert when they come to Miami (where they live)

Sapphire: i guess so *her phone vibrates*

Symone gets a notification from Tweetcaster saying she got a DM It reads: Wassup @Fire&&Prince ! well @Breanna143 couldn't join me and the rest of MB on the tour, so i picked you! DM me back as soon as you can if you can go!

Sapphire: *Screams*

Monica&&Kj run to her room

Monica: what's wrong!!

Sapphire: *sreacming and running around her room*

Kj: *grabs and stops her* what's wrong with you?

Sapphire: I. Am. Going. On. Tour. With. Mindless. Behavior!!!

Jade: Did the Breanna girl cancel on them?

Sapphire: YES!! *hands her the phone*

Jade: *reads the DM* OH MY GOSH!!!

Kj: *takes the phone and reads it* Wow, well bye!!

Monica: *reads the DM* Mindless Behavior had that big contest on Twitter where you had to tweet, and you got chosen?

Sapphire: YES!! *screams*

Monica: well DM him back! You can't pass up an chance like this!

Sapphire: *takes her phone and DM's Princeton back*

Kj: Sapphire is leaving! yes! that's one less girl in this house!

Sapphire: *throws pillow at him* get out

Kj: *leaves*

Sapphire: *phone vibrates* Princeton says have your parents call this number, and we'll talk to thim and make sure it's ok for you to join us. (the number) *to Monica* Momma get your phone and call this number!

Monica: *calls number and walks into her room and closes the door*

Sapphire: *looks at Jade* AHHHHHHH!!!!

Jade: IKNOW! NoMore Sapphire for a year!

Sapphire: Get out *pushes her out the room*

Monica: *comes in her room* So, guess who's going on tour with Mindless Behavior?!?!?

Sapphire: *screams* when do i leave?

Monica: next week!

Sapphire: OMG!!!! im so excited!

Monica : tomorrow is Saturday, so we're going to the outlets and taking you shopping for some cute clothes!

Sapphire: Yay!

Monica: *Smiles* go to sleep, we leaving early tomorrow!

Sapphire: Ok, goodnight!

Monica: goonight *walks out and closes the door*

sapphire: goes to sleep*

soo this is going to be a short story, and will tell you, the ending is sad. This whole stiry has been completed already, you may have seen it on J-14 , (it's original name was My Prince Charming, but I think this title fits it more) soo enjoy, and leave this story love 🎀

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