Chapter 11:A reason for Tears

Start from the beginning

His face blanched, “You heard what I said to Will?”

She snarled, “Yes, I did! Now if you will excuse me, I’m going out for a little while, I need a break from this madness.” She turned on her heel and left, slamming the door in her wake.


I have really made a mess of things this time. But who would have thought she could hear…well then again, she had almost otherworldly abilities it would make sense if she had trained her senses to the same level as her body.

“I believe I should go for today, it seems I’ve caused even more trouble than what I meant to resolve.” Will straightened his coat, “Goodbye Demon, good luck, I believe you will need it.” With a flash he disappeared, where to Sebastian didn’t know, and frankly didn’t care.

“You should go find her.”

Sebastian jumped, when had the Earl arrived? “I didn’t realize you cared for anyone.”

“I don’t,” replied the Earl with traces of boredom in his tone, “But it’s almost lunch and I was looking forward to one of her meals. So hurry along and fetch her.”

Sebastian bowed, only rising when he felt the Lords presence leave the top of the stairs, if its an order I have no choice to obey. But a feeling of dread settled in his stomach that he couldn’t dislodge.


Of course she would have to hide in the forest. Cursing as another branch slapped him in the face, Sebastian searched the grounds for Kat. He had tried to get Pluto to track her but for once the demon hound had growled at him instead of readily jumping to do as he was told.

It figures, the time that I could appreciate the dumb animals scenting abilities he growls at me and refuses to help.

So instead he was trudging forward aimlessly, moving slowly through the dense parts. He didn’t care for being slapped by the closely growing plant life.

This is so useless… He had no idea where she had gone and true he could smell her out just as Pluto could, but the demon hounds sense of smell was far better, he could only catch traces of her scent.

What was lost…now return…bring back things for which I yearn.

Take away these tiring tears, return to me the years…

Sebastian stopped as a lilting melody reached his ears, could it be? Turning he broke into a full sprint that quickly covered the ground between himself and the tune.

The years in which I was held, And to the place where my love was felled.

So that I may also die, with his hand in mine.

Blinding sunlight burned his eyes as he approached the forests edge, he broke through the wall of trees to find himself in a meadow. Kat sat in the center on a boulder, staring up at the sky, singing the haunting tune. She stopped and looked over at him.

She sat up, “What do you want?”

“I came to fetch you.”

A snort, “Why? I wouldn’t want to be the reason anyone gets hurt.”

I did hope that she would make this easy, “Kat I didn’t mean to say that, I know that you hate lies. I honestly don’t know what possessed me to say such things.” No answer. “Would you believe me if I said I was sorry?”

She glared at him, “No I wouldn’t I know that you’re upset with me and that the Earl is the only reason you are out here.”

“That’s not…” He stopped when she directed another withering glare in his direction. “Fine, it is true that the Earl did send me but I was going to come find you myself before he even told me.”

“Liar, I know what you think of me right now and you don’t tolerate weakness of any kind.”

He blinked in surprise, “You think I believe you to be weak? Why?” He did, but that was not the important thing, if she wanted to cry because someone hurt her feelings that was her problem not his.

She glared hatefully at him, “You saw me crying over…that.

“Well,” He slowly began to approach, “It’s normal for a woman to cry when she has her feelings hurt like that.” She looked down at him incredulous, “What?” He asked.

Her eyes were wide with surprise, “Are you serious, that’s why you think I was crying?”

“Then what was your reason?” Now I am curious, why else do humans cry, but if they are sad?

Kat blushed, “I was crying because…well…I was happy. About what you said, I’ve never had someone defend me like that before, it’s always been just me and that’s only person I could ever rely upon. What you said made me feel like it was alright to rely on other people.”

“That’s why you were so upset with me when I said …what I did to Will.” Sebastian remarked softly. Kat nodded, “Yeah, it but wasn’t entirely your fault I was mad at me too, for thinking something so stupid as someone else other than myself could be trusted.” She scooted over on the top of the rock to allow room for Sebastian, he took the seat graciously.

For a moment he stared quietly up at the sky, thinking, “I don’t believe that it is weak to cry when you are happy, not really anyway. No, it is not the most…strong appearance you can give, but I don’t think it’s weak either. If you don’t cry at the sad moments in your life that’s alright, but you should be able to feel something for the happy moment’s correct?” And he truly did believe this, he himself had just gotten his first friend not the long ago and it had made him feel…happy. Not the satisfaction kind of happy where you get what you want, but the happiness that can only come from not having something at all and then being surprised when you get it.  “So as long as it’s when you’re happy I don’t see why it’s not okay to cry.”

They sat together in silence for a few minutes longer simply enjoying the peacefulness that came only while watching the clouds float across the sky. Suddenly Sebastian spoke, "That was a beautiful song you were singing, may I ask what it was?"

"Huh?" She looked over at him, still slightly lost in thought, "Oh, that, well that was something I learned while on a mission. I liked it so I memorized it. Why dont you like it?"

"No, No, its a fine tune, I just had never heard it before." The they lapsed back into companiable silence.


Okay, Chapter 11 is done! I'm going to post one more chapter this weekend. In the next chapter Kat meets Lizzie and things from there to say the least. As always Vote, Comment, and Fan and I will do the same.


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