Chapter: One

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I wake up to a harsh thud below me followed by the clanking of empty beer bottles thats all too familiar to me. I scramble out of bed in my sports bra and shorts over to my 13 year old brother Jared's room and abruptly shake him awake.

"Jared! Jared, you have to wake up!" I whisper yell while pulling him up out of bed.

"Go away Fraya." He mumbles pushing at me.

"Lock yourself in the bathroom. He's drunk again." I whisper shoving him down the hall.

He stops right in front of the bathroom door and turns to me. "This time you come with me. You don't need anymore bruises Fraya." Jared says.

"Fraya!!! Get yer' ass down here!"

I look down the hall and back at Jared's glazed over eyes. I cup his face and kiss his forehead.

"I'll be fine okay?" I say smiling away my fear.

He slowly nods and backs into the bathroom closing the door. I check the handle to make sure it's locked and hurry down the hall to get this over with.

I walk down the cold steps with my bare feet, trembling. I turn the corner to find him leaned over the kitchen bar. Maybe he's passed out. I say to myself in hope I'll get a good nights rest.

I scoot a little closer and more bottles clank together. His head shoots up and he glares at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Why are y-youu up?" He slurs walking over to me.

"You called me down." I quietly answer.

"Shut up bitch!" He grabs my hair yanking my head to the side. "Did I say you could talk to me!?" He shouts, spitting in my face.

I stay silent and strong holding in my tears even though I'm pleading in my head for this to end. For this to just- smack! My cheek stings and I collapse to the ground from the blow to my face.

My hand clings to my cheek and the first tear slips. It only goes down hill from here Fraya. I say to myself.

"Don't ignore meee!" He slurs and yanks me up by my hair.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I stutter through tears.

He grips both of my wrists tightly and stares me right in the face. He starts yelling words at me but I can barely hear them hence the pain in my wrist drowning out any other sense but touch.

A strong blow to my stomach knocks me down making me smack my head on the hard wood floor. I feel a nudge in my side but everything goes black before I can register what's actually happening.

--------------------5 am

I wake up on A squishier surface than I remembered. I sit up and my head pounds like a ton of dirt was being dropped onto my head. I groan in pain at my aching body.

I see something pop out of the shadows and lunge towards me.

"Fraya! You need to shower. I tried to clean you up the best I could while you were out." Jared rambles.

"Thanks Jare." I say and grip his shoulder pulling myself out of his bed.

I slowly walk to the bathroom; each step sending pain shooting through every nerve in my body. I rest my hand on the cold bathroom doorknob and slowly turn it and push it open. I shuffle in and close the door locking it and pulling a drawer out in front of it, just in case anyone would like to try and bother me.

I turn the water on all the way to the left making it as hot as it goes and undress myself carefully. I step into the shower and let the water scold me; no longer being able to feel the pain of the heat. After washing myself I climb out and grab a towel out of the cabinet from under the sink. When I stand up I catch a glimpse of my bruised and frail body. A bruise on the side of my ribs that are already sticking out a bit because my father thinks I eat too much, savagely bruised wrists and my left cheek bruised followed by many other small bruises and cuts.

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