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"Let this cup pass over me"

Those words unconciously slip out of my lips as I wheel into Livia HighSchool's driveway. Everyone promised today was gonna be much worse than every other "today's" I had ever witnessed. I relax my head on the wheels and take a deep breath right after I lock myself in. My mind couldn't help but wonder what horrible things those evil "demons" had in store for me today - especially Hilary Clemmons. That blonde headed bitch was sure to have something intensely evil cooked for me today; even if no one planned anything. She self-crowned me her rival and arch-enemy since the day she: lost the spelling bee award to me, lost Benjamin to me and lost the post of the head of cheerleaders to me. Since then, am sure she's always prayed for my downfall so she would teach me a lesson unforgettable. Well, she got her wish! Here I am, Simone Gibbons, the once adorable school's darling fallen so hard from her throne like lucifer. I hear my phone ring but I can't seem to figure out where it sits. I grab by pink handbag and rummage through till alas! I find my samsung phone; it's a really humble Android - oh! who am I kidding? Smeared on the screen is a call from my bestie -Abigail Ratcliffe
"Bee-bee Sup?" I vomit into the phone, trying to hide how nervous I am
" Where in God's name are you Sims? History is in 7minutes and I don't see you or your flat ass anywhere" my bestie yapped from the other end of the line. Abigail is my African-American bestie who I prefered to call bee-bee since I heard her granny call her that -We've been besties since like forever you know
"Uhm...I'm at the parking lot"at this point, I direct nervous stares at my surrounding to ensure no one has seen me yet. Rest assured, I relax a bit and ask. "Where you at?"
"The hall-way!" She says almost in a yell as though she expects me to know. Am not some mind reader or something duh! My mind utters in a hard tone."Simon Gibbons" I hear her call "what in heaven's name are you doing at the parking lot? You're supposed to be in class"
"Duh! Don't you think I know? Just, am too scared to get out of my car, people are around and everywhere and I feel...I don't know but I smell dead rat around here bee-bee...think I need help" I utter the last sentence in a harsh, desperate whisper.
Just then, my eyes sweep into the rear view mirror and I catch a glimpse of Hilary heading towards my direction with that mean bitchy stare that says she definately has something up her sleeves. Her hair is curled and more of strawberry blonde this time around. You should have come in daddy's car! My mind damns me. My heart begins to pump way too much blood so that my head pound hard against the walls of my brains, it feels as though it's about to explode. I feel my body vibrate with every step Hilary takes. Soon, it starts to feel all choked up in the car, like am in a shrinking box, and I can barely breathe.
"Bee-bee Red alert! Red alert!...Queen Bitch is heading towards here..." I totally panic. Hilary bangs the car and I flinch from the effect
"Get out bitch! Oh she's scared!"i hear Hilary say outside and it seems she already gathered people around my car. She's got quite the skill for attracting attention don't you think? My mind says in that mocking tone. Only, I have no idea who it's mocking this time around
"Abigail! You gotta get your ass down here right now else I'll be history before History" I pour into the phone and hang up before Abigail can reply. Gosh! The bang in my head is quite extraordinary. It's the only thing I literally hear aside Hilary's stupid voice. I throw my head on the head-rest and bite my lips as hard as I can. Then it dawned on me. Abigail is a girl like myself and if she can deal with 'em b**tards, I can too. Tbh, Hilary's not one you should be scared of my mind tries to assure me it's on my side. Then the bang noise -from the car this time- coupled with Hilary's sonorous voice interrupt my thought. She keeps banging the car door so hard that I start to question her gender. I mean only a guy could hit any car that hard with bare hands. Well, I refuse to be surprised cause rumour has it that she might be a hermie. I swallow hard and try not to sink inwards at the laughter flying off from people's lips but it is a big fail. I shut my ears with both hands to silence Hilary's voice -which was obviously bent into cynical remarks about me- and the taunting laughter and I almost begin to shed tears. Then, in a flash, I see my mum in the same blue dress she wore to work today saying:
That which you avoid, you never change. You gotta face your fears! Be fierce.
Just then, I swallow hard and well "woman" up -not man up. I unlock the car and put on my dark spec. I push open the car door and emerge from the car, shoulder high. Silence steal the atmosphere for the next few seconds. Then, I take a careful quick glance round the little crowd that had come to cheer me down and, non-challantly, I lock my car. I inhale an amount of air. The first three steps I take are quite successful until, my left leg collude with an obstruction -seems like Lary's leg- and whoops! I fall flat on my face. Moments pass and I lay sprawled on the hard floor, trying to hide from the shame that enveloped me. The laughters echo and sounds really wicked. Few seconds later, I feel a hand pull me up. It's bee-bee and she's really lashing everyone with words that really made them swallow their laughters and wander off to where ever they were supposed to be in the first place. I hear Hilary mutter a "this ain't over bitch" before she departs with her puppets. Abigail drags me up and helps dust off the temporary stain on my black dress. Thank goodness I choose to wear black today for fancy sake. Not like I wore it to mourn the unfortunate end of my two year relationship with Ben or anything of that sort. I gather the pieces my dignity has been shattered into and hold onto bee-bee. I try to thank her but I can barely voice out any word. It's as though my vocals had been ripped out. I wince from the piercing pain blaring out of the minor injury I sustained on my knee and elbow
"Come, let's get you to the school nurse" bee-bee says. She leads me towards the school's clinic and all I can think of are the laughters and insults hurled at me. I must have thought hard about them cause soon, my tear gland secretes rivulets which runs down my cheek in a single file. I sob

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