One / And So It Begins

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A/N: First chapter! I'm so excited! I have to clarify something, its 2008. Hope you guys enjoy! :)

Beep, Beep, Beep!

I groan inwardly, fumbling around in the dark for the snooze button on my alarm clock. I don't even know why I set this stupid thing, I always end up going to sleep after I turn it off. But then I remember. Today's the day. The day of my big break.

Every journalist dreams of this opportunity. A once in a lifetime chance of interviewing someone that inspires them, and even someone they might have a little crush on. A celebrity of this magnitude will boost my career in ways you couldn't even imagine. And who is that celebrity?

Paul Walker.

I skip happily to the shower and turn on the water to hot until it starts steaming. Just how I like it. I attempt to calm my thoughts, but that doesn't work. I'm not even in the same room with him and yet I'm shaking already.

After my shower, I dry and style my hair. Soft, brown curls fall halfway down my back. Makeup is next. Chocolate colored eyeliner with mascara does the trick. I study my face in the mirror. Something is missing. I decide to apply a light shade of blush.

Next is my clothes, which may be the toughest part. I only get one shot at this, so I might as well look good. I run my hand lightly over my dress selection. Which one of you will be the lucky one to be in Paul Walker's presence? I smile slightly when my eyes scan a peach colored dress with a white belt. Perfect.


I look myself over in the mirror, checking, making sure everything is perfect. It has to be. I'm happy with my appearance, so I make my way downstairs, grab my keys and handbag, and I'm out the door.

The drive to work was semi-frustrating. New York traffic can really be a pain. But instead of getting super mad over it, I calm down and smile. I'm meeting Paul Walker today. I'm getting to do what millions of girls wish they could. And maybe even more. I laugh at myself. Me and him could never work, could we?

I pull into the parking garage where Johnson, the security gate guard, lets me in.

"Good morning, Miss Summers," he says, his usual greeting.

"Johnson," I reply, with a slight smile.

I park and grab my keys and handbag, and off to the elevator I go. Out of 38 floors in this tower, I'm at the 35th. I hear the familiar ding noise that signals I have arrived at my floor, and the doors open. Everyone is staring at me. Awkwardly, I walk onto the news room floor.

"What?" I ask, looking at everyone.

Linda, my co-worker, points toward my office. "He's already in there."

"Really?" There wasn't any paparazzi outside, I wonder how he made it here without being noticed. I glanced at my watch. It's 8, his interview was scheduled at 9. Crap. I thought I'd have more time. "How come nobody notified me that he was already here?" Instead of getting an answer, everyone returns to their work.

Callie, my best friend, rushes up to me, gushing about Paul. "Oh, Sierra! You know how freaking lucky you are to be interviewing that sexy piece of man? I wish I was you!"

I laugh. "Well if you were me, you'd be freaking him out right now."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Good luck girl." She walks off back to her desk.

I take a deep breath. This is it. You can do it Sierra.

I open the door and I am met with a pair of insanely gorgeous blue eyes. He instantly stands and offers his hand. "Hey there, Miss Summers, I'm Paul."

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