I flinched. Me, in charge of the executions? I did enough killing. I didn't particularly mind, but that didn't mean that I wanted any more blood on my hands.

I wiped all emotion from myself, my good day quickly coming to an end. I couldn't spare a glance at Ryan and the look of disgust that was surely on his face. It would make everything so much harder. 

"When are the executions?" My voice was cold, unfeeling. I sounded like a monster.

Because you are, my subconscious chided me. 

"We will be doing two a week. We have a total of twenty spies that we've caught. The first two are on Wednesday, and the rest will go every Wednesday after that. You are to make it torturous and painful and slow. It should keep you busy for a while. I expect you to get as much information out of them as possible." Then, the Director turned around and left. 

I nodded. It was all I could do. Distraction, was what I needed. And I needed it now. I finished my food quickly and brushed my teeth. I couldn't stop looking at Ryan. He would make a good distraction, but quite possibly at the cost of our friendship. I looked down at myself. I had been trying to tempt him without even realizing it. I was some of my shortest pajama short and a matching tank top, and they both clung to my every curve. And I certainly could tell they did their job. The look on Ryan's face was priceless when he came into the bathroom to brush his own teeth. 

I stopped him before he could walk out. I could tell he was trying to stay away from me, trying to keep himself from looking at my body. 

"Ryan," I chimed, stepping closer to him. 

"Yes?" His voice was hoarse. 

"Are you up for a game?" That was a mistake. He read deeper in the words than I wanted him to. In an instant, his gaze changed from longing to offended.

"Rachel, I'm not going to be your distraction. Just because you found out that you have to do something you don't want to doesn't mean that you get to hurt other people."

Ouch. That was like a punch in the gut. He stalked past me and laid down in his bed. 

I sighed and pulled my robe on, sliding out the door. I called out Derek's name, and he was at my side in seconds. 

"You called?" he said, his brown hair falling into his face and a smile on his lips. I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back. 

"Will you sit with me?" I asked.

We slid to the floor and I leaned into him. This is what having a brother would feel like. 

"What did you do?" His tone was teasing. 

"I screwed up, that's what I did."

"You mean Ryan said something to you that you didn't want to hear."

"Why does he have to be so good at seeing through me?" I whined. 

"You tried to use him as a distraction."

"I told you I screwed up. We were just becoming friends."

"You want me to take you to find a distraction."

I smiled slightly. "I don't even have to ask."

He turned to look at me, his brown eyes piercing into mine. "I know you remember what I said. Think of Alexander."

My heartbeat sped up just hearing his name, but I pushed it down. "I just, it's one of those moods. And I need to stop thinking about it."

"You've been here for exactly four years today."

"Stop being so goddamn observant. It's not getting you anywhere."

Derek gave a sigh of defeat and stood up. I took his outstretched hand and let him pull me up. 

"I hope you don't plan on going in that," he chuckled, eyeing my unicorn socks.

"Of course not," I scoffed. "I'll be right back."

I slid back into the room to find Ryan sitting up on his bed with his Nook balanced on his knees, reading. I went to the bathroom and changed into a party outfit.

"Where are you going?" He sounded tired. I gave him a small smile.

"Out with Derek."

"Our guard?"

"He's my best friend." I said defensively. Ryan scoffed. "Not like that," I added. 

I walked out to find that Derek had changed and gotten someone else to take his place. I hooked my arm through his like I had done to Ryan earlier that day, except now it felt much more natural. More platonic. 

The party was a small one tonight, mostly because it was a weeknight. Most of these guys had to work tomorrow. Everyone recognized us immediately and surrounded to give us heys and where have you beens. I realized that this is the first time I'd been to a party in over a month. The last time I'd been here, Ryan had only been my partner for a week. 

I took a drink from Sam's hand, and looked around for who I wanted my distraction to be. My eye's lazily made their way around the room until one guy caught my interest - he looked like my Alex. 

And he must've been new, because I hadn't seen him before. I downed the rest of my drink and grabbed another before walking over to him. 

"You're new," I commented, stepping close to him. He smiled at me. 

"That's true. Would you like to dance?" His voice was deep and velvety. 

I nodded, setting my now empty cup down and letting him guide me to the floor. There were definitely more guys than girls, but it was always like that. 

"What's your name?" I asked as he put his hands on my waist and my body was flush up against his. 

"Ian. You?"


I started to slide my body against his, loving his reaction. I bit my lip and looked up at him, placing my fingers in his hair. The drinks I had were strong, and I was already out of it. If I tilted my head just far enough to the right, Ian looked like my Alex. And what would I do if I had my Alex right now?

I'd kiss him.

I did just that. Pressed my lips against Ian's, feeling his mouth part instantly under mine. His tongue slid along my bottom lip, and I pulled his body closer to mine. His hands were all over my body, along my butt and my waist and my breasts and I was glad he was experienced. He let out a moan into my mouth as I took his lip in between my teeth. His lips moved down to my neck and I shuddered as he sucked on the skin on my collarbone, and he broke away and looked up at me. 

"My room." It wasn't a question, it was a demand. I pulled him down and nipped gently on the skin of his neck. 

"Let's not waste any time."

I caught Derek's gaze as he left and waved at him. He was sitting with a group of guys, not a girl around him, with water. He lifted his hand in response, but I could tell he was disappointed in me. He looked at Ian and mouthed one word at me, a name. I flipped him off. Leave it to him to ruin my night. 

His room wasn't far from the party, and when we got inside he locked the door behind him. 

It took him no less than a minute to get his lips back to mine. 

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