Chapter 26: Special to Me

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"Does this magic of his have a name?" I asked her

"It's called expression"

"I know that magic. It's very very very very bad. So bad I cannot express in words" I told her panicked.

"Hold on" Elena said grabbing my shaking shoulders. "What's so bad about it?"

"I don't know. That's what makes it worse, I just know it needs to be left alone." I said flustered. "Maybe it's the magic that made me lose my memories, I don't know but it has to be stopped."

"Fi, I get that you're worried and all, but I'll be fine" Bonnie said casually. "If I have to lose a few memories in order to get my magic back I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I won't stop you, I know better than to mess with the universe. But believe me when I say you will regret it." I told them packing up my stuff. "Okay this was fun, and then not fun and then scary, but what else can you expect from Mystic Falls? See you ladies" I said leaving.

"Wait, I'll walk you out" Caroline said following me. "So when do you think you're gonna break up with Jeremy?"

"Not right now" I sighed. "I just think I need to try harder, instead of just giving up because it got a tiny bit difficult. Bonnie is in love with him but she's still trying to keep us together and here I am just running back to Klaus because I got tired of trying. I'm sorry Care" I kissed her on the cheek and walked home trying to shake off this feeling I had about that magic.

~Caroline POV~

Caroline: She's not breaking up with him anymore.

Klaus: That's what you get for counting your ducks before catching them.

Caroline: Pretty sure you said that wrong.

~Klaus POV~

"It looks like a snow lady" Stefan said walking on Klaus who was finishing up his painting.

"It's the Snow Queen you imbecile." Klaus said not turning to look at Stefan. "I have a thing for fairy tales and this one is very close to my heart."

Denmark December 1844"

Oh Nik, isn't it spectacular? Forever immortalised in a storybook!" Fiore had said beaming at him.

"As opposed to being immortal in real life" Klaus said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean, don't be silly! Of course I'll be blue, but it's still me! Can't you just be happy for me, you sod?" She said thwacking him on the shoulder.

"I would be if you weren't so obsessed with that Hans idiot" Klaus muttered bitterly.

"I am not obsessed with Hans; I am obsessed with his stories. It does help that he has chosen to base a character on me. Although he is rather handsome." She said with a wicked smile. Klaus growled after she spoke but she just rolled her eyes and laughed at him."I'm only teasing Nik, you know you're the only one for me" She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm off."

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"To give Hans a big slobbery kiss to thank him." She said with a wink.

"Blossom" Klaus was starting to lose his temper and his jealousy was taking over.

"I'm teasing Niklaus, can I not make jokes? I'm going to the tailor with Rebekah. If that's quite alright with you" She snapped walking away in a huff.

Normally Klaus would have run after her to apologize, or simply gotten his own back by hurting her with a local woman, but that night his judgment was so clouded by his emotions that he only wanted revenge in the man that had made his wife so angry at him.

The Enigma: A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story {1}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum