Doctor Says

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"Stop running away from every opportunity that shows its face!"

Mia gives an exasperated look, working her fingers over her hair.

"You don't understand." I flip another page of the magazine, scanning the colorful lipstick. "I don't want Harvard. I want Yale. I want to go through with my life as I want."


Mia sets down her curling iron, casting a dark look through her mirror towards me.

"Harvard is a great place to go. Many people would die to be in your shoes! Understand that before you go and waste your life away as a starving artist!"

I rolled my eyes.

"I believe my art has talent. I'd be more then just an average artist. I don't want to be a doctor. Its not me."

"Mom was a doctor,dad was a surgeon, Uncle Tim was a dentist, Aunt Carol was a Nurse, Great grandma was a-"

I wave my hand.

"I don't care what they were. I want to be an artist." I grip the glossy pages, small rips striking the corner pages. "You wouldn't understand."

"Like hell I don't."

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