Chapter 19

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"Morning Emily~!!" Lily said that as she came in barging in through the classroom door. "Ahhh~ Morning Lily." I said smiling. "Did you come early today?" She asked and I nodded. "Ehh? Why?" , "Well, I woke up too early and thought of doing some assignments at school." , "Ahh.. I see, anyways~! I got something very very VERY important to tell you~" , "What is it?" I asked. "Nistle's bringing me out to the amusement park on Valentine's Day~! I can't wait~!! It would be so exciting. Now that I thought of it.. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WEAR! NEITHER DO I KNOW WHAT TO GIVE...! Ok.. Ok. Calm down Lileh.. You can do this. Nevermind~! I got it covered."

Just then, I remembered that I left 2 days before Valentine's Day. I planned on making chocolates and giving it to someone. But I guess, I don't seem to have a certain 'Someone' to give it to. I think I should try giving it to Len. It won't cause any harm anyways right? I should give it a try.

"That's right, dont panic and.. THAT'S GREAT! Goodluck on your date~ You better decide on wearing something nice and if you're having trouble on deciding what to give, I would suggest chocolates, hehe." I said that with a smirk on my face. "THANKS EMIIIII~!" She hugged me. Just then the bell rang and it's time for our class.

~Time skipped~

It was lunch time, and I went to the cafeteria to buy some sweet bread. On the way back to my class, I happened to saw Len with someone. "Who is Len with..?" I took a peeked from a distance and saw a girl. She had long pink hair and she looked kinda beautiful.. "Who is she..?" I saw Len smiling. Is she someone he knows? I don't know why but there was a slight ache in my heart.. Why am I feeling this..? I quickly went back to class and ate lunch with Lily and Nistle.

~Time Skipped~

Then the bell rang and it was time to go home. Lily and Nistle offered to study at my house and I gave them the permission to come along. After we arrived at my house, we had some snacks and eventually after some studying and chit chatting, it was getting late and it was time for them to leave. "Goodnight Emily, have a sweet dream. I'll see you tomorrow~!" Lily said her goodbyes. Nistle looked sleepy and he didn't look like he was able to respond and say his goodbyes. Then they both waved their goodbyes at me. "Alright Goodnight. Be careful out there." I said my goodbyes, waved back and directly went back into my room and slumped on the bed. "Valentine's day huh..?"

Urghh.. should I make some chocolates and give it to him..? Should I confess? Maybe he likes someone else.. the girl he was talking to before.. I turned around and covered my face with the pillow. "I hate deciding."

( A/N : Sorry if this is a bit disappointing. I'm still getting ideas for the next chapter. )

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